What is Museum Box? Museum Box (Discover Box) is an online tool. Place multimedia items in the virtual box to create an understanding of a place, event, time, person, point of view, concept, discovery. Museum boxes can contain: Images Text Documents Audio Video Weblinks
What skills can students develop? Writing for a range of purposes Informing, explaining, persuading Analysing, reviewing, commenting on information Collecting and recording evidence Drawing conclusions and evaluating identifying and explaining different points of view Communicating to an audience Appreciating attitudes and values of others Asking good questions Gathering and presenting information in a variety of forms Prioritizing and grouping information Acknowledging sources
Curriculum areas: Range of curriculum areas including: Art : Process diary...follow a design process including influences History : examine an historic period, event or person Geography : explain a phenomenon with examples Literature: create a box about a book including characters, plot, setting etc Science: describe an invention or scientific principle. investigate important discoveries and scientists, look at a moral dilemma and its science. beginning of year create a personal box including goals, interests, hobbies
Technology skills : Internet searching, including an understanding of royalty free and copyright free materials manipulating images (using online tools or PowerPoint) creating sound files (audacity / garage band) creating short video files (Flip cameras / imovie or movie maker) creating pdf’s scanning uploading files from a network or other drive
What other online tools can you combine and present via museum box? Wordle Newspaper clipping – Motivational posters, magazine covers etc from Search cubes (create a ‘print screen’ image to upload) / Graphic organiser brainstorms and mind maps eg Bubbl.us
Assessment: Skills and content rubric Messages on the Museum box site Teacher peer or self assessment Evidence: Present box to class Print screen example of cube to show process Reflection
1. Planning Use planning document Decide on content and what needs to be collected 3. Upload files, documents multimedia to box caption and label 2. Selecting /Gathering information, images, Plan and create multimedia collect references 4. Edit and check all box contents Submit to teacher via site 5. Teacher / peer /self asses Teacher approves / rejects box teacher messages student
Weblinks and resources: Museum Box Planning cube Assessment rubric Student reflection
Museum box ready for content
A blank cube
Examples Year 6: Designed a modification to a current invention. They researched the original inventions, the inventor and documented their own modification. Year 4: Looked at how evidence tells us about the past. They made a first box about the European settlement of Australia. Then they did a personal inquiry about another time in history.
Playing with Museum Box User name: brookie1 (all choose a different number) Password: cbrook1 Select Cranbrook Junior School from the schools’ list