Early Peoples (Pages 16-19) Chapter 1, Section 1 Early Peoples (Pages 16-19)
Main Idea Migration to the Americas Causes 1.Following herds in search of food 2.Searching for alternate sources of food when large animals died out
Effects 1. Fishing communities established 2. Development of farming techniques 3. Stable communities established 4. More advanced cultures developed
Sequencing Events - 28,000 B.C. Asian hunters enter North America - 10,000 B.C. Last Ice Age ends - 7000 B.C. Farming develops in Mexico - 3000 B.C. Early villages established in Mexico
The Journey From Asia (pages 16-18) Crossing the Land Bridge - During the Ice Age, sea water was frozen in ice, which made sea levels lower and opened a land bridge
In Search of Hunting Grounds - These first Americans moved from place to place searching for food. It took many centuries for them to cross
Hunting for Food - Warmer overall temperatures made the sea levels rise, which covered the land bridge with water. At the same time, the large game animals that the first Americans hunted died out
Terms to Know Archaeology – the study of ancient peoples Artifacts – things left behind by early people – stone tools, weapons etc. Ice Age – periods of very cold temperatures when part of the earth was covered with ice
Terms to Know cont. Migration – movement of a large number of people into a new homeland Nomads – people who move from place to place
Academic Vocabulary Expose – to deprive of shelter, protection, or care Environment – the physical, social, or cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community
Settling Down (pages 18-19) - Summarizing Planting Seeds - When large animals disappeared, native Americans turned to hunting small game, fishing, and gathering grains and berries. - About 9,000 years ago, people in Mexico began planting and raising maize, which led to population growth
Summarizing cont. Early Communities - farming peoples began to settle down rather than moving around; farming spread to other areas
- Farming changed peoples’ lives and culture Summarizing cont. The Growth of Cultures - Farming changed peoples’ lives and culture
Terms to Know 1. culture 2. nomadic 3. Maize 4. carbon dating
Academic Vocabulary community – a group of people who live together and share ways of life Complex – something that can be difficult to learn because it has many parts that are connected to eachn other
Section Wrap-up How did the first people arrive in the Americas? - By crossing a land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska
Section Wrap-up cont. What discovery changed the lives of early Native Americans? - Learning to grow food changed the lives of the early Native Americans