Chapter 3 Infancy and Childhood
Physical, Perceptual and Language Development Developmental psychology - changes that occur as an individual matures Grasping reflex - infants clinging response to a touch (born with this) Rooting reflex - infants clinging response to a touch
Physical Develoment Avg. weight 7.5 lbs. (95% - 5.5-10 lbs) Maturation - the internally programmed growth of a child Figure 3.2 on page 64 shows average physical and motor development (raise head 2 months, walking 12.1 months) Infants prefer to look at human faces and patterned materials Visual cliff - Depth perception (learned) very young crawlers would crawl right over the glass.
Development of language Is language learned or inborn? Language is easier early in life 1. Make signs 2. Learn the meaning of the signs 3. Grammar Telegraphic speech - verbal utterances of children, words are left out but you still know the meaning “Daddy Fall Down” Language chart p. 68 1 yr - baba, 2 yr - more ball, 3 yr - Don’t go, 4 yr -Why is Jenny crying, 5 yr - I see what you did
Section 2 - Cognitive and Emotional Development Cognitive Development - intellectual development Schema - mental representations of the world - needed for young kids to understand the world, or for anyone to understand a new concept Assimilation - try to fit a new object into the schema Accommodation - we change our schema to fit a new object (stacking a block example) Object permanence - something exists without being able to touch or see it
Sect. 2 continued Representational thought - picture something in the mind Conservation - quantity doesn’t change when appearance does (cup example) Egocentric - young child’s inability to understand another person’s perspective Imprinting - Inherited tendencies or responses that are displayed by newborn animals when they encounter new stimuli (baby geese) Critical period - a time in development when skills are learned easily
Jean Piaget - Stages of Cognitive Development 1 - Sensorimotor (Birth - 2) - smile, lift head, grasp, obtain desired objects 2. Preoperational (Age 2 - 7) acquiring language, creative play, can’t tell the difference between real and imagination 3. Concrete Operational (Age 7 - 12) conversation, may have changed shape but still there, cause and effect 4. Formal operations (12 - adult) think abstract and scientifically, invision things, see risks and benefits, think logical and deduct things
Sect. 3 - Parenting Styles 4 types: 1. Authoritarian 2. Permissive 3. Uninvolved 4. Democratic / authoritative - confident of their own values Positive features of #4 Establish limits, warmth and support, assume responsibility gradually, children identify with parents
Sect. 3 continued Child abuse - 1999 3 million cases reported ( low birth weight / special needs) Socialization - learning rules of behavior for your culture boys v. girls (rules can be unclear) FREUD - stages of development 1. Oral stage (8-18 months) pleasure from mouth 2. Anal stage (11/2 - 3) functions of elimination , potty training 3. Phallic Stage (3 - 6 ) pleasure from genitals , rival for parent of the opposite sex , identify with aggressor Boy = father
Freud continued 4. Latency stage - 6 to puberty sublimination - sexual thoughts repressed, develops social and intellectual skills 5. Genital stage - puberty - adult sexual desires renewed build relationships