SCOPE OF THE LECTURE Every organization needs people to conduct the specific job designed. Organization must plan how to employ people to ensure that the right person is in the right job at the right time. This lecture focuses on the activities of Human Resource Planning (HRP) as part of the business strategic planning process in the public sector. what is human resource planning? how do organizations undertake this sort of exercise? what specific uses does it have?
OBJECTIVES OF THIS LECTURE Upon completing this chapter student should be able to: Define the concept of HRP Describe the uses and importance of HRP Identify the process / steps of HRP Manage the results of HRP Describe HRP practices in the public sector
WHAT IS HRP Human Resource /Manpower Planning is a crucial activity of the Human Resource function. It covers all aspects of human resource management in order to optimize performance of your human resources. Human resource planning is the term used to describe how organizations ensure that their staff are the right staff to do the jobs. Sub topics include planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills analysis and much more.
The principles of Human Resources Planning (HRP) HRP systematically forecasts an organization’s future demand and supply for an employee in organisation. HRP enables managers and HR department to develop staffing plans that support the organisation’s strategy by allowing it to fill job openings proactively. It is set of plans of how organisations assess the future supply and demand for human resources. HRP determines the numbers and types of employees to be recruited into the organisation or phased out of it.
THE USES AND IMPORTANCE OF HRP HRP is concerned with the flow of people into, through and out of an organization. HR planning involves anticipating the need/demand for staff, the supply of staff and the planning the programs necessary to ensure that the organisation will have the right mix of employees and skills when and where they are needed. HRP uses to: - Balancing the cost between the utilization of plant and manpower needs. - Determine recruitment needs - Determining training needs - Management staff career development.
THE RATIONAL FOR FORMAL HRP More effective and efficient use of people at work More satisfied and better developed employees More effective and equal opportunity of employment planning e.g: recruitment and career development
HRP PROCESSES AND STAGES Situational analysis and environmental scanning Forecasting demand for human resources Analysis of the supply of human resources Development of plans for action - Demand = supply ( no action) - Surplus of workers ( reduced hour, layoffs, early retirement , downsizing ) - Shortages of workers ( overtime , recruitment , transfer, secondment)
THE ACTIVITIES OF HRP The major activity of HRP is to forecast and estimates the demand for manpower needed to meet the objective of the organisation and to analyse the supply of manpower in the organisation. Demand forecasting – the assessment of future employee requirements. How many and what type of people will be needed to carry out the organisation’s plan in the future? Analysis of supply – the assessment of current and future employee availability ( the number of people currently employed by the organisation.)
THE METHODS OF ESTIMATING MANPOWER DEMAND Expert forecast – based on the judgement of those who are knowledgeable of future of HR needs. Trend projection forecast – analysis on past and future trend of employment needs by using statistical analysis. e.g production ration=, staffing ratios Computer modelling – are a series of mathematical formula to estimate work force changes eg multiple regression model.
ESTIMATING MANPOWER SUPPLY To analyse the current internal supply and the future supply, planners needs some supply information system. Eg; A simple staffing table that shows the number of incumbent in each job within the organisation. The source of manpower supply information: Internal supply External supply employment audit replacement chart employer growth labour market analysis Demographic analysis
FACTORS INFLUENCE MANPOWER SUPPLY AND DEMAND EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONAL WORKFOCE Economic Social and politics technology strategic plan budgets sale and production forecasting organization design Retirement Resignation Termination Deaths
MANPOWER PLANNING IN THE MALAYSIAN PUBLIC SECTOR JPA is responsible to :- Determine the role of the public sector ; Determine the size and organizational structure of public agencies ; Determine the staffing needs and human resource development ; Determine the remuneration and retirement benefits ; Determine the implications of privatization / segregation of public sector human resources and Developing strategic alliances and partnerships , networking .
TUTORIAL Define HRP Explain the processes and stages of HRP Describe the objective and purpose of HRP in an organisation Explain the steps can be taken by the management to overcome sour problem of overstaffing. Discuss the problems that hinder effective planning of human resource in the public sector.