What is Government? Imagine that all the adults vanish from the school building and the students are left in charge
Who would decide the rules for the school? Who would decide the rules for the school? How would decisions be made? How would decisions be made? Who would be sure the rules are followed? Who would be sure the rules are followed?
You are about to watch a situation close to what you just imagined. You are about to watch a situation close to what you just imagined. Pay close attention to: Pay close attention to: 1. How the boys organize themselves. 1. How the boys organize themselves. 2. How they pick a leader 2. How they pick a leader 3. How they make decisions 3. How they make decisions
Lord of the Flies Student Guide Answer the following questions as you watch the video Answer the following questions as you watch the video 1. Give a general overview of what happened, from beginning to end, to the boys on the island 1. Give a general overview of what happened, from beginning to end, to the boys on the island
2. What were some of the rules at the beginning of the story? 2. What were some of the rules at the beginning of the story? 3. Why was it important for the cadets to have rules to follow? 3. Why was it important for the cadets to have rules to follow?
4. Why is it important that society have rules to follow? 4. Why is it important that society have rules to follow? 5. What is government? 5. What is government? - What is its purpose? - What is its purpose?
6. Do we need government? 6. Do we need government? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
7. What do we call the type of government on the island when Ralph was the leader? 7. What do we call the type of government on the island when Ralph was the leader? 8. What do we call the type of government under Jack? 8. What do we call the type of government under Jack?