Trusted health content for your website SYNDICATED CONTENT
Created m - 8m visits a month Offering –Health A-Z –Find Services –Live Well (health & well-being) –Carers Direct –Videos and interactive tools Over 400 (inc over 100 councils) syndication partners, 150 live
A quarter of residents think councils provide hospitals and dentists LGA, 2009 “From the users perspective … its all just information about where they live and services they use.” Fortune Cookie and Private Public Ltd, 2010
Council websites receive 9 million visits a year for health and social care information –600, ,000 per month –3% of total traffic Nearly 10% go direct to a health website from council website 2 in 5 council website visitors who did not find all or part of what they were looking for –a third were seeking information related to health and social care –7-8% information for carers Meeting the public’s need for local health information – the role of local councils Socitm Insight 2011 (commissioned by NHS Choices)
NHS reforms - greater role for councils –Abolition of PCTs will see public health responsibilities transfer to councils –Setting and meeting local health targets –Joint commissioning of health services –Support patient choice –Lead integration of health and social care Generating increased demand on councils for information on health services
118 councils signed up as syndication partners 27 using content –Find Services Implementation issues
What is syndication? Taking content from an external source and displaying it on your own website Styled as if it were your own Content updates automatically What is available? Content from 7 key areas Comments Video and tools Widgets
Find Services Search via postcode or location for local NHS Service providers including hospitals, GPs, pharmacies, minor injuries units and walk-in centers and specialist services such as alcohol clinics Key Content Carers Direct This is the national information advice service for carers in England, and contains articles, guidance and information on caring for someone
Find Services Use content on ‘Find my nearest’ Take service information, comments and location Will contain further information, such as opening times, staff details and more Key Content Carers Direct Data directory available as part of Find Services Information contains much more than just health Widget available to pull this information into an easily usable format
Health News (Behind the Headlines) Behind the Headlines provides guidance on the health topics making the news. It is a repository of news articles, covering a wide range of topics, and aims to investigate the science behind the headlines Live Well Contains over 100 popular public health topics covering subjects such as holidays, babies, children, diet, fitness, stress, sexual health, beauty and workplace health Other Content
Health A – Z Lists over 800 conditions and treatments (including major illnesses and long term conditions), with associated symptoms, diagnosis and other information Planners The Planners contain useful information on pregnancy, birth to 5, your health, and NHS healthcheck Other Content
Comments Patient comments on GPs and hospitals can be accessed and displayed on your own sites, or used to identify trends in feedback for review Common Health Questions Common Health Questions offers a way to get quick answers to hundreds of the most common health questions Other Content
There are over 450 NHS Choices videos to choose from, with new videos produced each month. All videos can be easily added to any website via the ‘Brightcove’ video syndication platform (which is as easy to embed as YouTube) Videos
There are over 40 interactive clinical and casual tools on NHS Choices to engage people and inform/assess their health and lifestyles Interactive Tools
How to use the content Your syndicated NHS Choices content can be contextually grouped to add value to your own portal NHS Choices Health information seamlessly integrated into your own site Address different demographics with varied content Target Public Health areas – use content to back up campaigns Used as a source of information for staff on an intranet
Benefits Clear, concise content embedded in your pages Automatic update of content Easy to implement (assuming some technical knowledge) It’s free...
Coming soon Updated Find Services feed (including majority of profile info)Combined video/content tool to embed relevant content onsiteWidgets – easily embed content
How to get the content Register Receive access to content Choose and implement content
Implementation Feeds accessed via API/ webservices Data returned in.xml (integrates easily with existing web data) Can be implemented in a variety of ways, both client side and server side Feeds can be styled to match your site’s look and feel
NHS Choices content is available free to our syndication partners to display on their own content portals To register for NHS Choices Content, please contact: Matt George Health & Local Authority Syndication Manager Alternatively, further service details and an online registration form can be found on our Syndication Management web pages located at Next Steps