Organizing Ideas & Essays
Unity Unity is the Anchor of good writing. So, first get your unities straight. Unity not only keeps the reader from straggling off in all directions; it satisfies the readers subconcous need for order and reassures them that all is well at the helm. - William Zinsser
Keys to Unity Inviting introduction Thoughful transitions Logical sequencing Pacing Satisfying conclusion
A model to live by…
Beginnings Ask a thought provoking question to make the reader wonder Give a little sip of the conclusion Funny story or anecdote List of main points Dramatic, sweeping, eye opening statement Expert quote Your own angle/perspective - preferably one that others have never seen before
Look at that body! Organize by space Organize by time Organize by content Organize by perspective
Body continued… Transitions Location Compare/contrast Show time Conclude or summarize Add information
Still looking at that body… Sequencing Mix it up Putting it in order Step by step
Body, body, body… Pacing Ten minutes only… Evidence…evidence…evidence Outlining…
The end… Profound thought A surprise A quote A tie up A question or open ended statement A challenge A summary A literary device A laugh