1 Identified particle production in the Beam Energy Scan from STAR Anthony Timmins for the STAR Collaboration The Beam energy scan The STAR experiment Pions, protons, and kaons. Freeze out parameters Strange and multi-strange hyperons Summary
2 Beam energy scan oLattice QCD predicts 1 st order phase transition At critical point, transition becomes cross-over Can we find it? oScan beam energies (BES): Vary T and μ B simultaneously… Schematic representation
3 Beam energy scan Determine onset of de-confinement Lower beam energy, lower energy density Get an experimental handle on ε c Key signatures: –Strangeness production –Baryon/meson differences J. Phys. G 32 (2006) S105-S114
4 The STAR experiment oTPC and TOF used for subsequent analyses Fixed acceptance wrt beam energy Advantage over SPS Energies scanned: Run 8: 9.2 GeV (no TOF) Run 10: 7.7, 11.5, 39, 62.4, 200 GeV Run 11: 19, 27 GeV
5 Particle identification oExcellent PID in STAR for primary tracks: dE/dx: Proton/pion separation to p~1 GeV/c TOF: Proton/pion separation to p~3 GeV/c
6 V0 and cascade reconstruction oWeak decays reconstructed in the STAR TPC V0 finding Cascade finding oNo momentum limit for PID. oTop Au+Au energy highest values (stats limited) –V0 p T ~ 9 GeV –Cascade p T ~ 5 GeV Au+Au 7 GeV CPOD 2011
7 Pions, protons, kaons at Au+Au 39 GeV oBES spectra obtained with TPC and TOF: Consistent with dE/dx in overlapping range QM & CPOD 2011
8 Pions, protons and kaons (all energies) oKaon and proton yields increase relative to pions with decreasing energy –Larger baryon transport to mid rapidity. QM & CPOD 2011
9 Pions, protons and kaons (all energies) oIncrease in anti-particles relative to pions with increasing energy QM & CPOD 2011
10 Freeze out parameters oUse 2 models to determine freeze-out properties. 1.Blast wave model Obtains T kin and Fit proton, kaon, pion spectra (PRC 70 (2004) ) 2.Thermal model Obtains T chem and μ B Uses Grand Canonical ensemble (Comp. phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 84) Fit proton, kaon, pion yields QM & CPOD 2011
11 Freeze out parameters oKinetic freeze temperature and expansion velocity depend on centrality and beam energy. QM & CPOD 2011
12 Freeze out parameters oFirst observation: T chem and μ B depend on centrality Stronger dependence for μ B Centrality offers further dial in critical point search. Result holds when strange particles included (not shown) CPOD 2011
13 Kaon and pions in Cu+Cu 22.4 GeV Ratios higher in lighter systems with similar at AGS/SPS CM energy < 22.4 GeV, yields over 4π PRC 60, (1999) , NPA 715 (2003) 474c Not the case for RHIC at lower energy Top RHIC energy: Yields of strange and non strange particles higher in Cu+Cu Ratio the same SQM 2011
14 Strange and multi-strange hyperons oExtensive strange particle spectra o(Anti) Lambda corrected for Cascade feed-down CPOD 2011
15 Hyperons yields CPOD 2011
16 Hyperons ratios oAnti-particle/particle ratios increase for peripheral events Lower baryon transport oConsistent with μ B decreasing for peripheral events CPOD 2011
17 Strange baryon/meson ratios oMid-p T ratios get higher at lower energy –More baryon stopping? oCentrality dependence for Au+Au 39 GeV –Breaks at lower energies? CPOD 2011
18 Strange baryon/meson ratios CPOD 2011 oMid-p T ratios get lower at lower energies oRatios still rise from low to mid-p T at lower energies
19 Nuclear modification factor oNo K 0 s suppression for Au+Au 7.7 and 11.5 GeV oBaryon-meson splitting in Au+Au 39 reduces for lower energies. CPOD 2011
20 Summary oResults from spectra and yields critical in characterizing state of matter in BES. oBulk Production Particle ratios, T kin and β depend on energy and centrality First observation of T chem and μ B centrality dependence oStrangeness production Anti particle/particle ratios depends on centrality Baryon/meson differences disappear in Au+Au 7.7 and 11.5 GeV
21 Outlook… oRun 11 Au+Au 19 and Au+Au 27 GeV data on the way! DNP 2011 Statistical uncertainties only