The Italian pilot project Expert meeting on pilot project Brussels, June 24 th 2015
A quick look at the institutional HWF planning process In Italy specific laws rule the HWF planning process ACTORS Ministry of Health; Ministry of University ; Regions; Professional Orders FREQUENCY and DEADLINE Every year By the end of April FACTORS TO CONSIDER Objectives and essential level of assistance; service delivery models; Labour market (spupply and demand) In order to define the number of intakes at universities (not entrants in medical specialization schools)
Steps in the Italian Health Workforce planning Forecasting health workforce needs from Regions’ and health professional Associations’ data Data collection, synthesis and analysis Data comparison between Regions and health professional Associations (Boards and others) Ministry of Health proposes NHS workforce needs Government-Regional Agreement Communication of results to Ministry of Education, University and Research to regulate the access to academic courses
Current critical issues in the process SUM Regions define their own needsNational needs as sum of regional needs Collectivity considered Variables investigated Methodology applied Actors involved Indicators used
Pilot project in the institutional framework Objective of the project Determination of the need of HWF by April 30° of each year – Agreement State - Regions Introduction of standards of health professionnels per level f assistance, even through the valorization of EU initiatives, in order to forecast HWF need at a national level Art 6 ter D.LGS. 502 / 92 Art 22 - Pact for Helath Institutional fullfillments Agreement State-Regions2016 Include specific session dedicated to the methodology agreed in order to plan and forecast the need By april , definr the need followiong a methodology agreed during the experimentation for doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and midwifes
….walking towards the Handbook way Stakeholders involvement and networking Stakeholders involvement and networking A wider timeframe Arising from the good practice to construct a solid and shared methodology
Steering Committe Ministry of Health, Ministry of University, Ministry of Finance, Regions, Professional Orders, ISTAT, ENPAM, COGEAPS Working Group SUPPLY Working Group DEMAND Working Group ORGANIZATION and COMMUNICATION Supporting TEAM The pilot project organization STEP by STEP approach Working group organization Continous knowledge exchange
1 January January 2015 First Steering Committee START Second Steering Committee Third Steering Committee 19 March July 2015 … … …. 30 April 2016 The timing of the Project, a challenge Government Regions agreement FINISH 16 MONTHS 4 June 2015 Stakeholders meeting STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3-6
Planning the total number of professionals (both private and public sector) Medium-long term projection period Forecasting exercise on professionally active Different data sources for each profession Individual database (where available) to feed the forecasting model AGREED UPON ISSUES
SUPPLY DEMAND ORGANIZATION to refine and finalize the Professionally Active Stocks defining the data sources for each profession to select forecasting tools from those already available to develop the Demand model proposed in the Minimum Data Set (D051) to find further solutions for forecasting the HWF demand to analyze in depth the regional and national stakeholders’ panel and, in accordance to this analysis, is implementing the “stakeholders’ involvement plan”. to develop and implement a web site on the Pilot Project progress and main issues ( Working group major activities and issues
In synthesis what have we done until now? COGEA PS IGOP FOCUS ON THE DATA MODEL both supply and demand side TAKING ADVANTAGE of current expertises PROPOSAL OF TWO MODELS on supply side (Enpam, Emilia Romagna Region) PROPOSAL OF a THEORICAL MODEL on demand side
Next steps to develop and feed the Supply forecasting models and deliver them to the Regions to develop the Demand models and deliver a basic model to implement the Pilot Project web site to develop and feed the Supply forecasting models and deliver them to the Regions to develop the Demand models and deliver a basic model to implement the Pilot Project web site Regions will finalize the supply and demand model with their data they will improve and develop the proposed scenario they will discuss on the results and on the scenario with their stakeholders Regions will finalize the supply and demand model with their data they will improve and develop the proposed scenario they will discuss on the results and on the scenario with their stakeholders we will collect the regional findings and we will harmonize them at national level in agreement with the Regions and the main national stakeholders we will evaluate the experience of the pilot project and will report the evaluation to the stakeholders we will collect the regional findings and we will harmonize them at national level in agreement with the Regions and the main national stakeholders we will evaluate the experience of the pilot project and will report the evaluation to the stakeholders we will formalize the Agreement between Regions and Government; we will have a follow up to decide, on the base of the evaluation of our experience how to go on we will formalize the Agreement between Regions and Government; we will have a follow up to decide, on the base of the evaluation of our experience how to go on Mar/Apr16Jul 15Oct15Dec15/Jan 16Jun15 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6
Attività e timing