Emili Foster Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén
Life Born in Norrköping, Sweden, in Born in Norrköping, Sweden, in Parents Johannes and Anna-Clara were both practicing physicians. Parents Johannes and Anna-Clara were both practicing physicians. Studied at Uppsala University in Studied at Uppsala University in Obtained the degree of doctor of philosophy Obtained the degree of doctor of philosophy 1934.
Hannes Alfvén 1934 appointed lecturer in physics at Uppsala University appointed lecturer in physics at Uppsala University research physicist in Stockholm Nobel Institute for Physics research physicist in Stockholm Nobel Institute for Physics appointed Professor in the Theory of Electricity appointed Professor in the Theory of Electricity. Professor of Electronics in Professor of Electronics in 1945.
Physics Received a doctors degree from University of Uppsala. Received a doctors degree from University of Uppsala. Professor of Plasma Physics in Professor of Plasma Physics in Since 1967 visiting professor of Physics at UCSD. Since 1967 visiting professor of Physics at UCSD. Regarded as a heretic by many physicists. Regarded as a heretic by many physicists.
Contributions to Science Alfvén made contributions to physics that are today Alfvén made contributions to physics that are today Applied in the development of particle beam accelerators, Applied in the development of particle beam accelerators, Controlled thermonuclear fusion, hypersonic flight, rocket propulsion, Controlled thermonuclear fusion, hypersonic flight, rocket propulsion, And the braking of reentering space vehicles. And the braking of reentering space vehicles.
Development of Physics Played a central role in development of physics. Played a central role in development of physics. Including plasma physics, physics of charged particle beams, Including plasma physics, physics of charged particle beams, Interplanetary and magnetospheric physics. Interplanetary and magnetospheric physics. Usually regarded as “the father of plasma physics”. Usually regarded as “the father of plasma physics”.
Prediction of the Universe Predicted the large scale filamentary structure of universe, Predicted the large scale filamentary structure of universe, A discovery that confounded astrophysicists. A discovery that confounded astrophysicists. Added to the woes of Big Bang cosmology. Added to the woes of Big Bang cosmology. Proposed an alternative cosmology to the Big Bang. Proposed an alternative cosmology to the Big Bang.
Alfvén and the Big Bang To Alfvén, the Big Bang was a myth. To Alfvén, the Big Bang was a myth. The appeal has been more ideological than scientific. The appeal has been more ideological than scientific. Was there when the theory was first proposed. Was there when the theory was first proposed. “Key is not to confuse myth and results.” “Key is not to confuse myth and results.”
Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén Died peacefully Sunday evening, April 2, Died peacefully Sunday evening, April 2, He was 86 years old. He was 86 years old. Alfvén wrote popular science books. Alfvén wrote popular science books. Enjoyed studying the history of science. Enjoyed studying the history of science.
Alfvén Waves Electromagnetic- hydrodynamic waves, now called Alfvén waves. Electromagnetic- hydrodynamic waves, now called Alfvén waves. Invented the concept of “frozen-in” magnetic field. Invented the concept of “frozen-in” magnetic field. Equivalent to Helmholtz’s theorem for classical inciscid dynamics. Equivalent to Helmholtz’s theorem for classical inciscid dynamics. Example of original idea having far- reaching impact. Example of original idea having far- reaching impact.
Alfvén’s Theorem The related Alfvén's theorem (equivalent to Kelvin's theorem). The related Alfvén's theorem (equivalent to Kelvin's theorem). Stating: for a perfect electrically conducting fluid, Stating: for a perfect electrically conducting fluid, The magnetic flux of magnetic tubes is conserved. The magnetic flux of magnetic tubes is conserved. Long time before his discovery was accepted. Long time before his discovery was accepted.
Won half of the Nobel Prize Fundamental work and discoveries in magnetohydro- dynamics. Fundamental work and discoveries in magnetohydro- dynamics. Fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics. Fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics. In 1970, he received the physics Nobel prize. In 1970, he received the physics Nobel prize. Founder of the modern field of plasma physics. Founder of the modern field of plasma physics.
Louis Eugène Félix Néel won the other half of the Nobel Prize Fundamental work and discoveries concerning antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. Fundamental work and discoveries concerning antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. Led to important applications in solid state physics. Led to important applications in solid state physics. Swedish scientist in Stockholm with interest in plasma physics. Swedish scientist in Stockholm with interest in plasma physics. Astrophysicist with an electrical engineer approach. Astrophysicist with an electrical engineer approach.
Bibliography "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1970." The Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Foundation. Web. 22 Feb "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1970." The Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Foundation. Web. 22 Feb "Hannes Alfvén." The Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Foundation. Web. 22 Feb "Hannes Alfvén." The Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Foundation. Web. 22 Feb "Hannes Alfvén ( )." Hannes Alfvén ( ). GEODYNAMO Team, 31 Mar Web. 23 Feb "Hannes Alfvén ( )." Hannes Alfvén ( ). GEODYNAMO Team, 31 Mar Web. 23 Feb Peratt, Anthony L. "Hannes Alfvén ( )." Hannes Alfvén ( ). Web. 23 Feb Peratt, Anthony L. "Hannes Alfvén ( )." Hannes Alfvén ( ). Web. 23 Feb