Q G Lip Sync Why errors are hard to detect Why they happen What to do
Q G 1 - Errors Below Threshold Scenario Show: -1 frame, looks OK Station: -1 frame, looks OK Broadcast show: -2 frames, looks bad Solution: All sync must be correct (not just look it) NETA Quality Workshop
Q G 2 - Errors That Cancel Scenario Show: -3 frames Station: +3 frames Broadcast show: 0 frames, looks good But two wrongs don’t make a right! Good shows will look bad on this station! Solution: All sync must be correct NETA Quality Workshop
Q G 3 - Errors That Drift Scenario Broadcast now: Good Broadcast later: Bad Solution: Be careful! Change channels! Millions of commercial and consumer MPEG decoders drift! NETA Quality Workshop
Q G 4 - Error Perception That Drifts Scenario Sync now: looks Good Same sync later: Bad Solution: Patience Need tight shots of people talking Some people talk out of sync! Stare at sync long enough, you will start seeing things! NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Station Production Tips Delay audio with every video delay Framesyncs Switcher effects LCD & plasma displays! Don’t trust your ears TEST! NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Station Master Control Tips Align sync at every point Framesyncs & processors MPEG & ATSC encoder settings Surprises Don’t trust your ears TEST! NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Test Tools Edit Suites and QC Stations syncheck.com Station Master Control ID with 1 frame dot and beep, then non-linear editor Normal programming with Miranda or Evertz solutions NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Consumer Tips LCD & Plasma TV's Internal decoder should be OK Separate decoder & audio systems require offset! MPEG decoders Try changing channels NETA Quality Workshop
Q G TV Loudness Why it started out bad How it got better What to do Impact of CALM act
Q G Industry Progress Early Confusion Subsequent Conflict & Loudness Wars Recent Consensus: ATSC A85! NETA Quality Workshop
Q G CALM Act Passed Sept 29, 2010 Requires FCC to establish rule by Sept 29, 2011: Applies to all stations, cable and other MVPDs “Commercial” loudness must comply with ATSC A85 Installing “Complaint” processing will satisfy FCC Two 1-year waivers allowed for hardship NETA Quality Workshop
Q G CALM Act Questions for PTV What is a “Commercial”? Are funder credits, promos and ID’s included? What is the measurement interval? The duration of the “spot”, or shorter? Can we maintain program dynamics? Tightly control submissions and avoid processing? NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Production Tips Buy an LKFS meter (BS.1770) Your mix engineers will like it! No money? Dialog peaks at -10 dBFS works pretty well Produce content to -24 LKFS Average over entire show, ± 2 dB Dramatic moments can still be ±10 dB! NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Station Tips Set plant for unity gain Set encoder dialnorm to -24 Get an LKFS meter (BS.1770) Measure day-long compliance with -24 LKFS Apply processing if needed Compare local stations and share NETA Quality Workshop
Q G Tolerance
Q G 5.1 Surround Submission Broadcast
Q G 5.1 Surround Submission PBS Requirement deferred beyond 2011 Upmix Insure compatible downmix - demand from your vendor! 5.1 Production Insure compatible downmix - demand from your engineer! Traditionally all dialog in C only Calibrate your LFE NETA Quality Workshop
Q G 5.1 Surround Broadcast Increasing Demand Consumers are building theaters PBS will be supplying more content For PCM, decoder needed for every IRD NGIS NRT eliminates this expense Compelling 5.1 shows will arrive early via NRT NETA Quality Workshop
Q G PCM Plant - SAP on 7/8 NETA Quality Workshop
Q G PCM Plant - SAP on 3/4 NETA Quality Workshop