Parent Information Notebook (PIN) Put all written parent communication into the notebook. This is all written information you send out to all parents. Use the PIN checklist as your guide and make sure all items on the checklist are in the PIN each month. All postings and handouts given to parent must go in PIN notebook. Make sure the handouts given by Education, Health, Family Services, MH/DIS, and Nutrition all go into PIN notebook each month. Policy Council – Place a page in the Notebook regarding where you can find Policy Council handouts on the internet.
Parent Committee Send three flyers to parents regarding your event. Mark each notice with the date and as needed-- 1 st notice, 2 nd notice, 3 rd notice. Send three notices out before the meeting. The following information should be on your flyer. Date, Time, Location, If refreshments, or food is being served or if children will be singing or doing a presentation Child care availability and Information about the agenda, and training being provided.
Design your notices to be fun and inviting!
Parent Meeting Teach chairperson to run the meeting and to make the agenda and minutes Make sure all parents in attendance sign in Make sure all parents get a copy of the agenda Assist chairperson as needed
Who decides when meeting will be held?
Hand write date and time of meeting on sign in sheet. Date_____________Time____________
Parent Meeting Agenda Feel free to add topics to agenda under the What’s Going On Section. Please complete the Agenda. The one on the internet is only a template. Add your site name, date, training, parent event days, and speakers’ names.
Meeting Minutes Use the new meeting minutes form for the school year Turn in neat readable minutes Two (2) sets of minutes need to be completed (If your site has less than 20 children, one set of minutes will be accepted)
Why would you check this box? If you have no actions or motions regarding that area.
Parent Trainings Parent Committees are to provide information and training opportunities to the families of the Head Start/Early Head Start, other parents and other interested persons in the following areas: Child Growth and development /child outcomes Parenting skills Prevention and reporting child abuse and neglect Family literacy skills Health Education emergency first aid occupational and environmental hazards Safety practices Information on general topics regarding children’s health, how to enroll in Medicaid/CHIP, the importance of a medical/dental home, and the prevention of SIDS
Parent Trainings Nutrition Education Selection and preparation of foods to meet family needs Management of food budgets Mental Health Services What is mental health, how to discuss your families’ and child’s mental health related issues with program staff. How to know if you have good mental health? How to get help when needed and how to insure good mental health in your children.
Parent Trainings Community advocacy How to make the community more responsive to families needs and interest, how to influence the community, and how to get services needed. Transition activities Provide trainings to parents to prepare them to exercise their rights and responsibilities concerning the education of their children. If one of your speakers has cancelled, please reschedule the training. You can have more than one speaker at your next meeting and you can have separate training times during the month to make sure you are providing parent trainings to parents.
Parent Engagement Activity We will go over an activity at each family support meeting for you to complete at your parent committee. Make sure your activity is fun and educational for parents. Provide handouts for parents and help parents learn how the activity will increase school readiness skills. Include reference to the early learning framework (ELF) and to the school readiness goals.
How many officers do you need?
Parent Committee After parent committee meeting Read minutes and get signatures Make copies of all forms Place a copy of the forms into the Parent Involvement Notebook—(PIN) Send a copy of forms to Family and Community Partnerships (FCP) Team– ( Sent them to Lauri Garza) Place the parent committee checklist with forms and send within 5 days of having meeting.
Make sure all items are together, all forms are filled out completely with no blank's and make sure they are in order of the checklist with sign-in sheet last.
Elections and Robert’s Rules of Order Only need to have a chairperson Need a policy council representative Chairperson can be policy council representative. More on Roberts Rules of Order---- TRAIL MIX
How many meetings will I need to have this year?