Local Government (5,000-40,000 Population) Social services and Welfare Community organizations Public sectors Transparency Social accountability Participatory Action Research Projects (Ethnography, community survey, community planning, implementation, evaluation) Data sharing Target Population (aging, children, disabled, etc.)
1.Social capital encompassing 2.Communication systems 3.Health care 4.Population and education 5.Household and community economics 6.Natural resources and the environment 7.Political and conflict management Individual and Family level Group and Community level 1.Synthesis and sets of data necessary 2.Questionnaires development 5.Development of a training package 6.Implementation and verification for further developments 3.Verify questionnaires 4.Development of an online data base system Community data-base team building Management and utilizing team Data collection team Data checking team Data entry team Data collection and data checking Data analysis Report and findings utilization
Questionnaires and Online program management Community learning Conducted in the field using actual procedures as learning activities for participants Learners Trainers Management and utilizing team Data collection team Data checking team Data entry team Healthy community project Training sub-districts 70 sub-districts more than 2,380 sub districts The training package
70 training sub-districts More than 2,380 sub-districts in the network trained and implementing TCNAP as their community data base Training center Network Training center TCNAP team (approximately individuals) Local residents Leaders of community organizations Members of the village committee Members of the community Members of LAO and government Network
Utilizing of TCNAP report and findings Group activities Services Welfare services Career skills training increasing memberships improving services creating additional activities merging community funds improving living conditions etc. home care security and safety quit-smoking services quit-drinking clinic etc. loans for house building wheelchairs meals for children etc. finance for funerals, allowances for hospital stays loans for careers loans for farming loans for education crafts agriculture mechanics garments making local goods making (mats, baskets, fishing nets), etc.
Conventional Unconnected Sectoral activities Holistic approaches (communities, society groups and organizations) Research and Development Establishing a specific data base system Inter-sectoral movements in community-based Initiatives to build public support Local health issues Household debts Unemployment Elders Children under 5 Y Etc.
Problem & Issue Data collectingData AnalyzingData Utilizing Aging Society The number of the elderly Health problem Behavior risk Chronic diseases or disability Civil group The number of population Health volunteers Health care providers Health care service Individual and family level Group and community level Clarify problems Summarize capital and potential 1. Number and percentage of elderly 2. Number of elderly who need health care and welfare living alone need home care and assistance, etc. Developing and organizing Project for help and support the elderly demand Organizing the discussion session for problems solving Providing basic health care Providing assistance by volunteers Establishing welfare fund etc. Prioritizing the problems 3. Number of volunteers and related civil groups
Problem & Issue Data collectingData AnalyzingData Utilizing Need of child development and learning The number of children under 5 Y Education level Health status Individual and family level Group and community level Clarify problems Summarize capital and potential 1. Number and percentage of children under 5 Y 2. Number of children need for children development plan and learning Developing and organizing Project for child development and learning Training of the nannies Providing child development center Public spaces for childrens’ activity etc. Prioritizing the problems and need 3. Number of volunteers and related civil groups Health care system Health care volunteers Related learning resources Related leader groups Data verification and confirmation in discussion forum
Problem & Issue Data collectingData AnalyzingData Utilizing The bedridden patients need for health care and supportive system Health problems Chronic illness or disability Health volunteers Health care providers Health care service Related learning resources Related leader groups Individual and family level Group and community level Clarify problems Summarize capital and potential 1. Number and percentage of health status and chronic illness or disability Planning and designing the activities to solve problem Organizing the forum for leaning and finding the solution of problems solving Preparing the presentation and the forum of learning Home-based services including check-up and transfer Training care giver and volunteers etc. 2. Number of patients who need health care and welfare 3. Number of volunteers and related civil groups
Problem & Issue Data collectingData AnalyzingData Utilizing Poor and disadvantaged people in the society with health problem and no health care services Living alone Having congenital disease Having unsafe houses Help system Related learning resources Related leaders Individual and family level Group and community level Clarify problems Summarize capital and potential 1. Number of person who living alone and health status or disability improve the system to be able to solve problems Problems solving according to the plan Planning and designing the ways of problems solving Volunteer group Encourage funding 2. Number of abandoned people who need health care and welfare 3. Number of volunteers and related civil groups
Problem & Issue Data collectingData AnalyzingData Utilizing How did the community manage? What are the effects of smoking? A lot of smokers The data of risky behaviors The number of smokers The problem of chronic diseases The ways of communication Related learning resources Related leader groups Individual and family level Group and community level Clarify problems Summarize capital and potential 1. Number and percentage of smokers Organizing the public forum for planning and designing the activities of problem solving Preparing the presentation for the activities and forum of learning Guidelines for smoking control by community-based 2. Number and percentage of smokers with chronic diseases Data verification and confirmation in discussion forum 4. Number of related civil groups 3. Number of communication for health promotion
The individual and family level The group and community level
TCNAP Community strengthening Community data base development Multi-party initiatives on health promotion Improvement of community-initiated projects Provides sufficient evidences Leaders of local administrative organizations Other actors Community planning and Policy development