Vital signs
Types Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood pressure (Degree of pain)
Other signs Color of skin Size of pupils Pupil reaction to light Level of consciousness Response to stimuli
Temperature (balance between heat lost and heat produced by the body)
Variations Individual differences in bodily processes (heart rate, metabolism, etc.) Eating, drinking, smoking (15 minutes prior) Time of day (lower in am, higher in pm and after activity) Body site (where temp is taken)
Body sites Oral (most common)
Rectal (children/hypothermia patients) Most accurate
Variations by site OralTemporal/RectalEar/Armpit Average Temp Normal Range
Types of thermometers
Pulse (rate, rhythm, volume of heart beat)
Measuring pulse
Resting heart rates
Understanding EKG lth- topics/topics/hb/understanding.html
Apical pulse (stethoscope at apex of heart)
Respirations (breathing rate)
Number of breaths per minute Adults: Children: Infants: 30-50
Blood pressure (force exerted by blood on artery walls)
2 measurements 1.Systolic – left ventricle is contracting and pushing blood into the arteries 2.Diastolic – between contractions when left ventricle is at rest
SystolicDiastolic Normal<120and<80 Normal range and60-80 Prehypertension or80-89 Hypertension Stage or90-99 Stage 2>160or>100
Degree of pain