Privileged and confidential © 2007 Ipsos 2007 Fantasy Sports Study August, 2007
2 Methodology and Data Collection Data Collection Data collected July 12-18, 2007 A total of 3,243 interviews were conducted in North America including specifically: –1,145 US Adults aged 18+ –579 US Teens Aged –1,107 Canadian Adults Aged 18+ –412 Canadian Teens Aged Results are weighted to known census figures for those aged 12+ in the Canadian and US populations, respectively. Methodology Used the Ipsos Online Omnibus Representative Sample of Online Adults Includes Teens for the First Time Ever
3 How Many People are Playing Fantasy Sports/ Ever Played Fantasy Sports? Q1. Since July 2006, have you played fantasy sports where you select a team of professional athletes or teams to earn points based on a competition performance? Base: All respondents Million Current Fantasy Sports Players Million Ever Fantasy Sports Players Million Current Fantasy Sports Players Million Ever Fantasy Sports Players
4 Canadian Fantasy Sports Player Profile Q1. Since July 2006, have you played fantasy sports where you select a team of professional athletes or teams to earn points based on a competition performance? % Current Player Base: All respondents
5 United States Fantasy Sports Player Profile Q1. Since July 2006, have you played fantasy sports where you select a team of professional athletes or teams to earn points based on a competition performance? % Current Player Base: All respondents
6 Canadian Fantasy Sports Being Played Q2_1-6. Which of the following fantasy sports have you ever played? Base: Fantasy sports players in Canada
7 United States Fantasy Sports Being Played Q2_1-6. Which of the following fantasy sport have you ever played? Base: Fantasy sports players in United States
8 Number of Fantasy Sports Teams Owned - Canada Q4A1 Thinking about the last year, can you enter the number of fantasy sports teams you own? Base: Fantasy sports players in Canada
9 Number of Fantasy Sports Teams Owned – United States Q4A1 Thinking about the last year, can you enter the number of fantasy sports teams you own? Base: Fantasy sports players in US
10 Management of Teams Using Websites Q5 Do you primarily manage these players or teams online, using a website for rosters or scoring? By Online, we mean do you use a website to manage the standings, rosters, and scoring for your players or teams, or do you manage these players or teams without the aid of a website for standings, rosters, and scoring? Base: Current Players
11 Usage of Multiple Information Websites Q6 Do you ever use websites outside your fantasy league co-site for information, news and analysis about fantasy players, or do you just use the site your fantasy league or fantasy team is hosted on? Base: Current Players who use a host website
12 Free Websites vs. Fee Based Websites Q7 Thinking of the websites you use to play fantasy sports, how many of the sites charged you (or a league you are in) a fee to host your team or league? We are NOT referring to any dues or entry fees that are charged by your commissioner and used to pay league prizes but rather the fee that the website used charges you or your league. Base: Current Players who use a host website