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Context: Discuss ‘Community’ YouTube Creating a video Creative Commons Windows Movie Maker ▪ iMovie ▪ Other Technologies
Academics at the Community, Journalism & Communication Research group at the University of Texas at Austin in the USA are proposing a four-part definition of a podcast:University of Texas at Austin A podcast is a digital audio or video file that is episodic; downloadable; program-driven, mainly with a host and/or theme; and convenient, usually via an automated feed with computer software.
According to IPSOS – Reid Agencies ▪ 60% very familiar, 47% use frequently or very frequently Marketers ▪ 47% very familiar, 38% use frequently or very frequently Amongst the public: AwareUse 26%1%March 09 90%5%October 09 94%8%October 10
According to Graham Moysey, General Manager of AOL Canada At the moment, Rich Media is 5% of the media blend for an advertising buy – AOL believes this will rapidly shift to 80%
According to IPSOS-Reid Agencies ▪ 40% very familiar, 23% use frequently Marketers ▪ 42% very familiar, 25% use frequently
How do you find it? Do you share it? Why? How? To Whom?
Have you seen a company use online video in a way that was Compelling Viral Memorable True to their brand?
The online video audience Watches 147 videos per viewer per month Uploads 15 hours of videos to YouTube every minute 57% share videos with others ▪ Only 3% find something worth sharing everyday 19% rate videos and post feedback 20% of young adults have uploaded videos Jarboe, Greg. YouTube and Video Marketing: An Hour A Day. Sybex
YouTube and Videomaker magazine provide a large number of how-to demos and instructions for free Windows Movie Maker Audacity Creative Commons License
Where have you seen video incorporated into retail spaces? "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.
Let’s learn to make a video! Sign up for a free account at