agropedia IIT Kanpur The Knowledge & Interaction Hub for Indian Agriculture (
agropedia the project… Sponsored by the ‘National Agricultural Innovation Project’ of the ‘Indian Council of Agricultural Research’ Started in 2008 January We are five partners IIT, Kanpur ZPD-IV, Kanpur UAS, Raichur IIM, Calcutta ICRISAT, Hyderabad
agropedia KVK-NetKVK-Net OpenagriOpenagri vKVKvKVK Agropedia initiatives
What is agropedia… A Read/write web, Which is Semantically enabled With Multiple delivery mechanisms and Social networking for Indian Agriculture
What makes agropedia… Knowledge Models Content repository Sponsored contents/Certified (GyanDhara) contents Contributed contents/social (Jangyan) contents Voice Krishi Vigyan Kendra (vKVK) KVK-Net (Krishi Vigyan Knowledge - Network) Openagri (Open access digital agriculture repository) Agrotagger
Extension Material Certified contents/Gyandhara The library contents are variety of document - like-information-objects Includes__ Library, Dos & Don’ts, Crop calendar The crop calendar and dos and don’ts are related to agricultural practices on specific crops Voice POPs Voice messages Text messages
Interactions Contributed contents/Jangyan This space is based on web 2.0 concepts Includes__ agrowiki, agroblog, agroforum, agrochat It is a common platform for all registered users to express their ideas/ opinions/ experiences and see them published on the web instantly
Other features in agropedia User Visits : Shows which user has visited your page Comment notification : User gets a mail when someone comments on his content Private message : Inbox like functionality Invite a friend : Registered user can send multiple invites Similar: Similar post based on tag set of a given node Multilingual editor : Write in 11 different languages Featured User : To select a user based on add content continuously Krishi Vichar
Statistics of agropedia ParticularsNumbers Agroblog 679 Agrowiki 1333 Agroforum 217 Library 1984 Registered users 7500 Published Nodes Countries visited 219 Total page views Package of practices 87 Voice messages 2474 Text messages 326 Total visits Unique visits
Countries visited
Knowledge Models in agropedia
Knowledge Models Knowledge models are structured representations of knowledge using concepts to represent pieces of knowledge and relationships between them 17 crops KMs In agropedia KMs have been designed with the intention of using them for indexing and browsing the content BananaPotatoMangoSugarcane ChickpeaRicePigeon PeaTomato GenericSafflowerPearl MilletWheat GrapesSorghumVegetable PeaLitchi Groundnut
English Knowledge Model
Hindi Knowledge Model
French Knowledge Model
Features of KM 1.0 and 2.0 KM 1.0KM 2.0 A)Last nodes are not expanded e.g- Disease -- Causal organism, Insect – Scientific name, and Weed -- Scientific name Last nodes of KM 1.0 are further expanded e.g- Disease -- Causal organism, -- Nature, -- Symptom, -- Disease management -- Biological Control -- Mechanical Control -- Cultural Control -- Integrated disease management -- Chemical control -- Formulation -- Chemical group -- Application rate -- Trade name -- Application time C)Total number of relationships used are 12 Total number of relationships used are 56 D)Total number of Concepts varies from 60 to 80 depending upon crop Total number of Concepts varies from 500 to 800 depending upon crop B)Used for indexing and browsing the content Used for Inferencing
Potato Knowledge Model 2.0
How to inference…
Workshop on knowledge model
The digital agricultural articles repository for agricultural documents openagri ( a focused research space, is a content management platform for hosting agriculture documents such as journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, proceedings, preprints, multimedia content etc. openagri An open access agriculture research repository
Structure of openagri
How is openagri different? Agrotags & Agrotagger Agrotags : is a proper subset of agrovoc which allows automatically assigning of keywords to enable semantic searching and retrieval. Agrotags are specially designed with tagging in mind Agrotagger : is a software for assigning key phrases automatically from Agrotags
Top level categories of Agrotags
Agrotags: openagri-This repository provides for rich semantic interlinking between document using Agrotags Agrotagger: openagri- repository is a open platform to submit any kind of agricultural published material, the Agrotagger running in the background automatically generates keywords Usage of Agrotags & Agrotagger
Agrotags & Agrotaggers in joint action
Agrotagger homepage
Structure of agropedia
Agropedia website homepage