HISTORY DAY Conflict and Compromise In History March 22, 2007
What is History Day? n Semester-long experience for students n Grades 4-12 (4-5th grades poster only) n Original research on the theme n Work individually or in teams of up to five students n Multiple ways to present research
History Day Skills … Are Life Skills Creating a History Day project involves... –Conceptualizing an idea –Planning and organizing all the steps –Doing research - reading, interviewing, recording –Developing skill in the presentation mode –Working with others –Presenting oneself
History Day Skills Lead to College Success n The thinking, planning and writing skills developed for History Day are the same skills needed for college work. n College admissions officers look for participation in academic programs such as History Day, Science Fair, We the People, etc.
History Day Addresses Key Elements of the 5 Dimensions of Learning (Marzano) –#1 - Attitudes and Perceptions –#2 - Acquire & Integrate Knowledge –#3 - Extend and Refine Knowledge –#4 - Use Knowledge Meaningfully –#5 - Develop Habits of the Mind
History Day and Attitudes & Perceptions Students need positive attitudes about classroom climate & tasks (Dimension #1) –Group entries help build acceptance by peers –Students perceive tasks as valuable & interesting because they are in control of the process
History Day and Using Knowledge Meaningfully History Day Develops Complex Reasoning (Dimension #4) Decision Making Problem Solving Invention Inquiry Investigation Systems Analysis
History Day and Developing Habits of Mind History Day Develops Productive Habits of Mind (Dimension #5) Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Self-regulation and Evaluation
History Day Crosses and Integrates Disciplines History-Social Science English Language Arts Visual Performing Arts
History Day Teaches History-Social Science Standards Chronological and Spatial Thinking Students explain how major events are related to one another in time. Students construct various time lines of key events, people, and periods of the historical era they are studying.
History Day Teaches History-Social Science Standards Historical Research, Evidence, and Point of View Students frame questions that can be answered by historical study and research. Students distinguish fact from opinion… Students distinguish relevant from irrelevant information… Students assess the credibility of primary/secondary sources and draw sound conclusions from them… Students detect the different historical points of view...
History Day Teaches History-Social Science Standards Historical Interpretation Students explain the central issues and problems… Students understand and distinguish cause, effect, sequence, and correlation in historical events… Students explain the sources of historical continuity and how the combination of ideas and events explains the emergence of new patterns. Students recognize that interpretations of history are subject to change as new information is uncovered.
n Writing Organization and Focus n Research and Technology n Revising and Evaluating Writing n Research Reports that... – Define thesis – Record important ideas – Use variety of sources History Day Teaches Reading- Language Arts Standards
Types of Presentations n Research paper (individual only) n Documentary n Exhibit n Performance n Website n Poster (4-5th and CA only)
All Presentations Include All Presentations Include n Process paper n Process paper (except research paper category) –500 words –How chose topic –How conducted research –How selected category and created entry –How it relates to theme n Attach annotated bibliography n No cover or pictures
Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography n Annotated bibliography n Turabian or MLA n Turabian or MLA (pick one) –See CD or rulebook for format n Divide into sections - primary & secondary sources n Cite all sources n Don’t over rely on Internet
History Day Assessment Scoring guides are performance assessment rubrics n 60% is historical quality n 20% is adherence to theme n 20% is quality of presentation
History Day Assessment Criterion Score Sheets for Each Category –Outstanding –Excellent –Good –Satisfactory
History Day Assessment What is Historical Quality? n Accurate n Interprets and analyzes doesn’t just report n Topic set in historical context n Wide research/primary sources n Balanced
History Day Assessment What is Adherence to Theme? n Topic clearly relates to the theme n Demonstrates the significance of the topic IN HISTORY
History Day Assessment What is Quality of Presentation? n Creative and original n Well organized n Written material is clear, correct, and articulate n Type of entry matches the topic
Documentary Slide Show Video (most common) PowerPoint or HyperStudio
Steps to Creating a Documentary n Research, research, research. n Storyboard the scenes before shooting. n Operate all equipment. [students] n Present a variety of panning shots, interviews, live action, and still subjects. n Use no more than 10 minutes. n Include music. n Get permissions for EVERYTHING.
Performance n 10 minute skit that translates theme into action n Quotations and excerpts from real events
Steps to Creating a Performance n Research, research, research. n Storyboard the scenes/prepare the script based on research. n Prepare authentic costumes. n Practice lines and voice projection. n Prepare set [limit props to minimum]. n Address the thesis with clear beginning, middle, and end related to theme.
Exhibit n History Day exhibits are similar to museum exhibits. n Exhibits balance visual interest & historical explanation. n 500 original words
Steps to Creating an Exhibit Research, research, research. n Make title the main focus of the center panel. n Use the center panel to present the main ideas supporting thesis. n Use side panels to compare or explain. n Place artifacts on the table. n Get permissions for everything.
Historical Research Paper Papers are 1500 to 2500 word discussions of a historical thesis related to the annual theme. Conflict and Compromise in History
Steps to Creating a Paper Research, research, research. n Begin with introduction stating the thesis, then a main section, and last a conclusion. n Use MLA or Turabian style. n Include footnotes when quoting primary or secondary sources, or paraphrasing a secondary source. n Title page has only name, title, & division.
Historical Paper
Poster For 4th and 5th grade only, History Day posters are flat 30” x 40” museum type exhibits.
Steps to Creating a Poster Research, research, research. n Balance visual interest & historical explanation. n Show thesis and relate to theme. n Use 350 original words on poster. n Annotate the bibliography, divide primary & secondary sources n Include 500 word process paper.
Historical Web Site Use the computer to create a web site that communicates a significant topic in History.
Steps to Creating a Web Site n Research, research, research. n Balance visual interest & history n Show thesis and relate to theme. n Create homepage with student name & division, project title, and navigation pointers. Save homepage as “index.” n Use maximum 1200 student words and 100MB file space n Transfer your site to CD-R that operates like a website from the index page. Bring to History Day as back-up.
Steps to Creating a Web Site n Cite sources of pictures/media on the page (words count) & bibliography n Four copies of 500 word process paper and print out of site n Four copies of annotated bibliography n 45 second limit per multi-media clip n If plug-in required, provide link to its free download (doesn’t count as link) n Do not link to external sites. n Upload by History Day entry deadline and include URL on registration form.
Changes to History Day entries per classroom (1 individual and 2 groups or 2 individuals and 1 group) Same as last year champions will be selected for each category in the Senior Division to compete in State History Day. Junior Division remains the same at 2 champions per category. Website winners accepted at National Competition
Follow-up meetings - West End Educational Service Center n January 23, 2008 Key Dates History Day 2008 Registration online: February 13-20, 2007
n Use California Student Rulebook as your guide. n Research, explore, and learn Have fun!!! See You at County History Day Conflict & Compromise in History