HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Culture -- beliefs and actions that define way of life Cultural Traits -- learned behaviors (language, eating) Cultural Landscape -- when human beings use natural resources or alter the surface of the earth Diffusion -- change of culture from outside Acculturation -- exchanging traits between cultures -- immigrants culture becomes mainstream Cultural Hearth -- place where ideas begin (farming in M.E.)
CULTURE MATERIAL -- People make or build Examples: technology, food, clothing NON-MATERIAL --Patterns of behavior and belief Examples: language, religion, Gov., education
POPULATION World’s population -- 6.5 billion Population Density -- average # of people in a square mile 2/3 of the earth is water 1/2 is uninhabitable (tundra,mt, desert) How do we figure Pop. Density? 1. Dividing total population by land area 2. Dividing total population by arable land -- land that can be farmed Birth Rate -- number of live births per year per 1,000 Death Rate -- number of deaths per year per 1,000 “Zero Population Growth” -- numbers are equal
Political and Economic Systems 196 independent / sovereign countries in the world – 192 in the U.N. What is a country? A unit with four characteristics: 1. Clearly defined territory 2. Population lives there on an ongoing basis 3. Individual sovereignty -- freedom and power to decide the countries policies 4. An internationally recognized Government
GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE Relationship between the smaller units (states) and the larger units (Federal) 3 TYPES OF GOV. STRUCTURE 1. Unitary -- one central Gov. runs the nation with limited local Gov. example -- Japan 2. Federalism -- Fed. Gov. has certain powers and reserves some for the state example -- United States 3. Confederation -- smaller units have more power example -- Southern U.S. during the civil war
Gov. structure continued Powers of a Federation A. Delegated power -- Federal Government example -- creating the armed services, immigration laws B. Reserved power -- States example -- establishing schools C. Concurrent power -- Joint duties example -- taxes, borrowing money
GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY 1. AUTHORITARIAN leader holds the power WHO HOLDS THE POWER IN THE COUNTRY? 1. AUTHORITARIAN leader holds the power TYPES OF AUTHORITARIAN A. Dictatorship -- gain and keep power by military B. Totalitarianism -- leaders control all parts of society C. Monarchy -- Kings and Queens
Government Authority - Cont. 2. CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY the monarch is only a figure head parliament has all the power 3. DEMOCRACY people choose their leaders and have the power to determine political policy
ECONOMIC SYSTEMS TYPES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 1. Capitalist -- market economy The system of supply and demand 2. Communism -- command economy The state makes all economic decisions 3. Socialism -- mixed economy The state operates some industries but there is also some private ownership 4. Traditional Economy Subsistence (produce enough for family)