PROJECT DATE April 18, 2011 Sue Ireland Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative and KVRI Burbot Subcommittee Kootenai River Burbot Briefing
BURBOT (Lota lota) Freshwater Cod a.k.a. ling, eelpout, lawyer, loche, methy Circumpolar distribution (cold and temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere) Spawns in winter under the ice Voracious predator and night feeder Large, long lived species Photo by Ernest Keeley
IDFG documents population decline – By 2003 the Lower Kootenai population is estimated to be <50 fish Idaho Dept of Fish and Game
Threats to the Burbot Population Low Population Size Winter Flow Management Winter Water Temperatures Reduced Productivity Habitat Changes The burbot was proposed for emergency listing by conservation groups in February 2000
Excerpt from Letter to USFWS from Kootenai Tribal Council, November 2001 “…. the Tribe proposes, to develop, with the Service and additional committed stakeholders, an integrated and innovative approach to recovery of lower Kootenai River burbot.” Photo by Ernest Keeley
February KVRI agrees to form a Burbot Subcommittee to develop a conservation strategy Historical interviews of community members provided important input
Burbot Restoration Goal: to restore a viable and self- sustaining harvestable burbot population in the Lower Kootenai River MOU signed by 16 agencies and entities in 2005
Burbot Conservation Strategy Habitat Restoration Conservation Aquaculture Alternative Hydro Operations Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Education and Outreach
Master Plan completed in July 2009 Provides analysis of the factors limiting ecosystem function Presents specific restoration strategies for each river reach designed to address those limiting factors l
Thanks to KVRI and all our partners for continued support of the burbot restoration program!