Chapter 19 Food Resources
World Food Security
Famine- Maintaining Grain Stocks Amount of grain remaining from previous harvest Provides measure of food security Decreased each year since 1987
Reason for Decline in Grain Stock Rising temps Falling water tables and droughts Ethanol production More grain is going towards feeding livestock Increased meat consumption in developing countries
World Food Security Economics and Politics Cost $ to store, produce, transport and distribute food political Poverty and Food ________people are so poor they cannot afford proper nutrition 1.3 billion
Animals as food Constitute 40% of the calories consumed in developed countries Only comprise 5% of calories consumed in developing countries
One personal act that can have a profound impact on these issues is reducing meat consumption. To produce 1 pound of feedlot beef requires about 2,400 gallons of water and 7 pounds of grain (42). If all the grain currently fed to livestock in the United States were consumed directly by people, the number of people who could be fed would be nearly 800 million Vegetarianism
Principle Types of Agriculture Industrialized agriculture Modern methods that require large capital input, and less land and labor Subsistence Agriculture Traditional methods, dependent on labor and large amounts of land Ex: shifting cultivation, Slash and burn agriculture, Nomadic herding, Intercropping
Domestication and Genetic Diversity Challenges of Producing More Crop and Livestock Irish Potato Famine
Pesticides Selective breeding Challenges of Producing More Crop and Livestock
Challenges of Producing More Increasing Livestock Yields Hormone supplements US and Canada Not used in Europe Antibiotics 40% of antibiotics produced in US are used in livestock operations
Antibiotic Use and Resistance
Genetic Engineering
Genetically Modified Organisms Add beneficial characteristics to crops Additional nutrition Resistance to pests Drought resistances Herbicides
Safety in Genetic Engineering Concerns about GMOs? Backlash against GMOs GMOs are not currently labeled Prop 37
Environmental Impacts of Agriculture
Solutions to Agricultural Problems- Sustainable Agriculture
Overharvesting Many species are at point of severe depletion 62% of world’s fish stock are in need of management action Fisheries of the World - Problems No nation lays claim to open ocean
Fisheries of the World - Problems Overharvesting Bycatch killed off Magnuson Fisheries Conservation Act
Fisheries of the World - Problems Ocean Pollution - Oil Heavy metals Deliberate litter dumping Stormwater runoff from cities and agriculture Aquaculture waste
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