The horror film and its use of sound…
Recap starter Write a couple of paragraphs comparing and contrasting how both horror films use filmmaking techniques to create emotional responses.
Horror and sound Sound is one of the most significant technical aspects in the horror movie. Without sound most films lose a lot of their meaning. Good use of sound can manipulate the audience meaning. Task: listen to this horror music. Make notes on what might be happening visually to accompany this music. How does the music make you feel? Describe? What instruments are being used? What about the pattern/rhythm of the music? Movie-Music-With-MP3-Download/ htmlhttp:// Movie-Music-With-MP3-Download/ html
Sound recap Sound can be split into two sections: Diegetic. Sound recorded at the time of shooting – Dialogue natural ambient sound. Non-diegetic. Sound added or ‘dubbed on’ during the post production stage – music Voiceover sound effects.
Task: Task: Watch and listen to the following clip: Make notes whilst: Visuals without sound. Listening to just the sound. Then finally both. Descriptive sound words. Bass – a low tone Cacophonous – a non-rhythmical noise Crescendo – a build up of sound to a climax Discordant – sounds that go together Melody – a series of notes that form a distinct pattern Monotone a single tone Oscillating –sound that goes up and down in pitch and tone Rhythmic a regular pattern of beats Synchronised –sound working together with the visuals Symphonic – a collection of instruments in an orchestra