CONTACT INFORMATION Sending a note with your child Teacher website under “Teacher Sites” on school’s homepage.
KEY TO SUCCESS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND TIME MANAGEMENT earning/school-help-middle.html# The above link should take you to an article called ‘10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Middle School”
MISSING/ABSENT ASSIGNMENTS A zero can have a big impact on your child’s grade. Missing assignments will show as blank in the grade book. Missing assignments count as zero points Late assignments are accepted within a reasonable time frame Absent: It is the student’s responsibility to make up any work needed. If not completed it will count as a zero in the grade book
MONITORING GRADES Q Parent Connect Q Student Connect Your child will learn how to access the student portal here at school and you should be given information how to access the Q parent portal as well. If you need that information, please let me know and I can help you get what you need. 7 th period Homeroom class will require students to routinely print grade reports and have parents sign them.
THE INFAMOUS NOTEBOOK Three-subject Spiral Notebook 8 ½ x11 or 9x11- so handouts and worksheets that we complete and add to the notebook fit properly. It will help in assisting your child to stay organized and keep everything in a central location. We often refer back to specific handouts throughout the year. If there are any questions about the spiral notebook and the specific size required please let me know.
COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS California has adopted a new set of standards. These standards are more rigorous and more demanding of your student. You can find more information about the standards on the following websites: California Department of Education California State PTA Testing-there will be some significant changes in the way students are tested and the requirements demanded in both reading and writing. This school year will be the second year your child is tested under these new guidelines.
PLANNER Your child has been given a planner to help organize all of the assignments in middle school. This can also be a place to look for any discipline issues as well. Please check your child’s planner on a regular basis. We are trying to nurture and encourage more independence but many middle school students are still in need of that extra support and guidance. Planners will be checked weekly by the 7 th period Homeroom teacher. Finally, another way to keep informed is through my teacher website. It can be found by accessing our school’s homepage.