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POST A CONTENT 1/ 3 Describe the content Automatically goes in documents
POST A CONTENT 2/3 More tag and categories set = easier searchable Set the audience IF needed SUBMIT
POST CONTENT 3/3 1.If you are already in the Working Group space, if using the WG menu the audience is automatically set according to this WG. 2. Available option for document Highlight -> display the doc in the home page of the WG( front page)
PROFILE 1. EDIT your profile Picture, change password, notifications, about you… 2. NOTIFICATION settings => click « manage my alerts » Set mean and frequency of notifications
MESSAGES PRIVATE message = message only available on EUEI platform MESSAGE = transfer into regular mail box
NETWORKING Contact = friends = user you follow (Click « add to my friends » on the user profile) My groups = management of your memberships My network activity = latest posts of your groups/friends My favourites = customed list of documents ( Click « add to my favourites » at the bottom of a doc)