Doug Steele Director June 19, 2013 Strategically Addressing the Grand Challenges
Grassroots Planning – The Extension Way
FY13 Staffing for Educational Program Delivery
Imperative: Texas agricultural producers effectively evaluate and adopt research-based technology applications and best management practices for crop and forage systems. Outputs FY2012 Outcome Example Rangeland Management/Drought Recovery There are over 30 million acres of pasture or rangelands in the West Region that serve as a vital resource in livestock production and wildlife habitat. The educational programs used to address program needs were TOOLS VIII Habitat Recovery, Strategies to Cope with Current Drought Conditions, Pasture Management Workshop, and Ag Day Events. Program participants manage 128,733 acres and anticipate a total economic benefit of $387,341. Measuring Impacts
Imperative 1:Research based technology applications and practices for crop and forage production. Imperative 2:Research based technology applications and practices forsustainable livestock and poultry production. Imperative 3:Risk management alternatives for agriculture and agribusiness based on business goals. Imperative 4:Adoption of safe pesticide and non-chemical methods for managing pests. Imperative 5:Small-scale agricultural producers effectively identify and evaluate strategies for risk mitigation and sustainability based on management goals. Imperative 6:Gulf fishers and aquaculture enterprise owners adopt best practices in technical and financial feasibility for value-added and supply chain issues. Grand Challenge: Feeding Our World
Imperative 1:Best practices to protect water quality and enhance conservation. Imperative 2:Research-based technologies to enhance wildlife conservation and management, fostering environmental stewardship. Imperative 3:Best management practices that insure the proper management of rural and urban natural ecosystem resources through stewardship. Imperative 4:Advance the planning and management of natural resource-based recreation opportunities in Texas. Grand Challenge: Protecting Our Environment
Imperative 1:Texas communities gain knowledge supporting design and implementation of successful development strategies. Imperative 2:Nature Tourism – Community officials and businesses will evaluate nature tourism resources, facilities, and programs as part of their operations and development planning Imperative 3:Texas youth and adults will be prepared to participate fully in the 21st century workforce Imperative 4:Community Leadership – Present and potential leaders will increase knowledge and abilities needed to effectively support the development of their communities. Imperative 6:Helping Families and Individuals Manage Their Resources Grand Challenge: Growing our Economy
Imperative 1:Improve Family Life for Texans Imperative 2:Helping People in Texas Eat Better and Safer Imperative 3:Improve the Health and Wellness of Texans Grand Challenge: Improving Our Health
Imperative 1:Improve Life Skills in Leadership, Personal Development, and Citizenship Imperative 2:Improve Youth Life Skills in Healthy Living and Wellness Imperative 3:Improve Life Skills in Agriculture Imperative 4:Improve Life Skills in Natural Resource Education Imperative 5:Improve life skills in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Grand Challenge: Enriching Our Youth
► Water Conservation and Quality – Urban and Rural programming to enhance water conservation and quality. ► Health and Wellness – Youth and Adult programs that enhance health and quality of life. ► Agriculture – Profitability and Sustainability ► Leadership Development – Enhanced efforts in Rural Leadership and Development, and Refocused Youth Leadership efforts. ► Urban/Suburban Interface – Enhanced outreach to new landowners with multi-faceted educational approach to conserve natural resources. Areas of Opportunity 2014 and Beyond