WE MAKE SENSE: A Unit for discovering the Human Sense Organs Prepared by: Escabusa, Phoebe Charmenne N. Gardones, Graciel L.
UNIT SUMMARY The focus of this unit is on how human beings use their sense organs to detect and compare materials and objects in their environment. Children should recognize that the sensory abilities of humans help us function in our everyday lives, and that they are also used for humans to obtain deep understanding on what the world is like and why things happen the way that they do.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question How will the knowledge of the human sense organs help us create an environment of shared values of non- violence, equality and unity? Unit Questions How do human sense organs help us discover the world around us?
Content Questions What are the different sense organs? What are the functions of the parts of our sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch? What are the health habits you should practice to prevent/ control common ailments? How will you
What are the different sense organs? What are the functions of the parts of our sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch? What are the health habits you should practice to prevent/ control common ailments? How will you
Vision for Unit By creating this unit, we want our students to know and experience that: Our sense organs make us aware of things around us, making us capable to describe how living things interact with each other and with the environment. To identify functions of the different parts of the sense organs eventually make us also aware of our individual roles in the community...
Project Approaches As my students work on this project, they will ●Demonstrate functional health literacy skills one should practice to prevent/ control common ailments with the sense organs. ●Use media analysis skills to evaluate shown video clips to effectively manage common problems with our society and advocate for self and others.
Use media analysis skills to evaluate shown video clips to effectively manage common problems with our society and to advocate for self and others. To do this, they will be engaged in a collaborative work by pairs to produce a collage which would contain their answers to specific questions raised as concerns to the video clip shown.
21 st Century Learning Students will develop higher-order and 21 st century skills in this unit as they Communicate and work productively with their classmates, incorporating different perspectives of understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work with the project assigned to them.
Demonstrate leadership skills and social responsibility while collaborating to achieve common goals with group activities. Demonstrate initiative and self-direction through exploring ways that individual talents and skills can be used in desiring to be problem-solvers of the community. Apply critical thinking skills related to personal, family and community wellness.
Gauging Student Needs Assessment We will use our Essential and Unit Questions for our goal for this unit to evaluate: ● Students’ grasp of learning to their individual actions towards the application of their responsibilities, aiming to become active members who d emonstrate behaviors that foster healthy interactions for individuals and for the benefit of the society. We will gather information on higher-order thinking and 21 st century skills: ● Through providing clear and understandable vision of this unit’s target to give students opportunities where they can be able to use their human sense organs in being concern to what is really happening to our environment nowadays.
Our Goals for the Course Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and what they wonder about human sense organs. Learn about different functions of five sense organ that will motivate my students Find ways to get my students to do more higher-order thinking Learn some strategies for helping students do projects from other teachers
Goals for My Students We want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and what they know about the five senses’ importance. Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate sense.
Request for Feedback Critical need of time for teachers to reflect for finding instructional strategies that will represent the full range of knowledge and skills of the instruction, targeting the application of the challenge presented with the EU. Need to provide students with information about their performance that can promote their essential abilities they can apply in our fast changing world.