Sharing experience : shaping practice Building the Capacity for Social Enterprise in Communities Andy Milne, Chief Executive, SURF.


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Presentation transcript:

Sharing experience : shaping practice Building the Capacity for Social Enterprise in Communities Andy Milne, Chief Executive, SURF

SURF’s Role Independent and cross sectoral Holistic – bringing all the dimensions and players in regeneration together Informing and influencing policy and practice Sharing experience : shaping practice

Main SURF Positions Holistic approach for success and sustainability Meaningful community involvement Wellbeing is the point Sharing experience : shaping practice

SURF and Communities SURF Awards – community based criteria SURF Network Access Programme (SNAP) Community Connections Sharing experience : shaping practice

Main Government Policy Focus Equal Communities in a Fairer Scotland 29 th October 2009 Community Planning Strengths – coordinating large scale public services Weaknesses – little community input beyond engagement Sharing experience : shaping practice

Increased Challenges Unemployment, poverty and inequality Demographic pressures Public service cuts Sharing experience : shaping practice

The Problem Now Lack of investment in community development Interpretations of ‘best value’ Leadership Sharing experience : shaping practice

Evidence Inequality Prof. Kate Pickett & Prof. Richard Wilkinson Participation and Community Regeneration Prof. Ade Kearns Sharing experience : shaping practice

Positives “Anchor Organisations” and the work of: SenScot Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition Development Trusts Association Scotland Planning Aid for Scotland SFHA / SURF Sharing experience : shaping practice

Building on Success The SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration Thursday 3 rd December Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow Sharing experience : shaping practice