1. PINNA-outer part of ear 5. EAR CANAL 6. EARDRUM-vibrates when sound hits it 2-4. HAMMER, ANVIL AND STIRRUP-vibrate when eardrum does 7. Eustachian tube-connects middle ear to throat to equalize pressure 8. OVAL WINDOW 9. AUDITORY NERVE-brings message to brain 10. COCHLEA-converts vibrations to nerve impulses with little hairs 11. ROUND WINDOW-”release” for pressure 12. SEMICIRCULAR CANALS-used for sense of balance
COCHLEA Spiral shaped organ attached to semicircular canals Semicircular canals are used in sense of equilibrium
Organ of Corti Runs the length of the cochlea hair cells are vibrated by fluid waves Vibration of hair cells depolarizes them and message travels down auditory nerve.