IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt INDY SAVES You Can Build Wealth
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt The good news – we can save and build wealth What is wealth?What is wealth? Can YOU be wealthy?Can YOU be wealthy?
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Start with financial dreams What are your financial dreams?What are your financial dreams? Do you dream about being wealthy?Do you dream about being wealthy?
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Dreams can become goals If they are: ClearClear DescriptiveDescriptive TargetedTargeted PrecisePrecise Building blocksBuilding blocks
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt “ SMART ” goals S-SpecificS-Specific M-MeasurableM-Measurable A-Agreed UponA-Agreed Upon R-RealisticR-Realistic T-TimedT-Timed
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt “ SMART ” goals are easy Pay off $1200 credit card by Dec. 2004Pay off $1200 credit card by Dec Save $2,400 in two years for emergency fundSave $2,400 in two years for emergency fund
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt The bad news – we’re living on the financial edge 3 out of 4 Americans face at least one major financial problem3 out of 4 Americans face at least one major financial problem Individuals saved 9.6% in the 70’s, 5.9% in the 90’sIndividuals saved 9.6% in the 70’s, 5.9% in the 90’s 1.37 million Bankruptcies1.37 million Bankruptcies Household debt = $7 trillion+Household debt = $7 trillion+
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Where can you find money to save? Ask yourself:Ask yourself: Do I need this?Do I need this? Is it even good for me?Is it even good for me? What happens if I do not have it?What happens if I do not have it? Is there a better way to use this money?Is there a better way to use this money?
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt The Miracle of Compound Interest 31% of total ($24,000) is principal 69% of total ($52,301) is interest on principal and interest on interest
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Wealth-building strategies Set specific goals such as:Set specific goals such as: –Drive a car that is paid for –Buy furniture, don’t finance it –Save $25, $50 a month through bank
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Wealth-building strategies Save through employer’s retirement planSave through employer’s retirement plan –401(k), 403(b), or 457(b) plans Contribute to your Roth IRAContribute to your Roth IRA Saving in your homeSaving in your home –Buy a home that you can afford –Build equity, rather than paying rent
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt 3 GOLDEN RULES for SAVING Develop a simple savings planDevelop a simple savings plan Set up automatic deductionsSet up automatic deductions Spend less than you earn and save the differenceSpend less than you earn and save the difference
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Indy Saver Benefits No-fee savings and investment accountsNo-fee savings and investment accounts Free one-on-one coaching session(s)Free one-on-one coaching session(s) Seminars taught by expertsSeminars taught by experts Referrals as neededReferrals as needed Wealth-building clubsWealth-building clubs American Saver newsletter 4 times a yearAmerican Saver newsletter 4 times a year Participation in drawings for Savings Bonds and other financial productsParticipation in drawings for Savings Bonds and other financial products
IndySaves Build Wealth – Not Debt Save and Build Wealth How does INDY SAVES work ? What does it take to become an INDY SAVER ? –A–A–A–Agreement Form –A–A–A–Activate your Plan –W–W–W–Wealth Building Coach will call