National C-FAR Mission Through education and outreach efforts, sustain and enhance federal funding for food and agricultural research, extension and education to help bring about research outcomes that provide a range of major public benefits. 1
National C-FAR Unique Role Unique Role Nonpartisan, consensus-based and CUSTOMER-LED (stakeholders who need and benefit from research outcomes) coalition that brings food, agriculture, nutrition, conservation and natural resource organizations together with the REE community—providing a forum and a unified voice for enhanced public investment in food & agricultural REE. 2
Board Direction— Action Program Priorities Focus limited resources on what we do well—outreach to hill & agency officials through hill seminars, success profiles. Targeted complementary role in advocacy, support for budget & appropriations, commenting on farm bill implementation. 4
‘Lunch~N~Learn’ Hill Seminar Series Education with a PurposeSeminar Series Laying foundation of increased awareness and appreciation Supporting informed and favorable budget and appropriations recommendations 5
Competing for Their Attention! 2011 Seminar Titles Mapping for the Future of Our Food i-Trees Food Fraud Eating Out & Overeating We Reap What We Sow Waging War on Invasive Grasses The Public Research Agenda for Agriculture Guess What’s Coming to Dinner? 6
National C-FAR Targeted AdvocacyAdvocacy Submits Comments—and Facilitates Group Statements—in Support of Food and Ag REE Funding in Annual Budget & Appropriations Process Participates in AFRI Coalition to Contribute to Unified Stakeholder Support for NIFA-AFRI Funding Collaborates with APLU, Other Stakeholders Groups Provides Input to Administration and USDA re Food and Ag REE Policies, Programs and Budget Setting Facilitates Group Forums, Dialogs
Join UsJoin Us! Membership year is January 1 through December 31, dues deadline of March 31. A National Member shall be a national not-for-profit or non-profit organization, corporation, association, co-operative, or other business entity whose business and purpose is similar or related to the purpose of this Organization. Annual dues for a National Member shall be $2,500 for organizations with annual budgets over $5 million and $1,000 for all others. An Affiliate Member is any organization, individual or corporation, profit, not-for- profit, or non-profit, supportive of the purpose of this Organization. – Corporate members. $2,500 – A local, state and federal government agency, or a university unit. $1,000 – A regional, state or local organizational member (not-for-profit stakeholder assn or organization). $500 – Individuals. $100 Sponsorships in Support of Hill Seminars, Other Actions Critical. $500-$5,000 9
Customer-Led Board—Board – President: Chuck Conner, NCFC – Vice President: Andy LaVigne, ASTA – Budget-Finance Cmte Chair: Bob Stallman, AFBF – BAA Liaison, Dr. Nancy Cox, U of Kentucky – ROC Chair: Barb Glenn, CLA Executive Director: Tom Van Arsdall – – (703)