Flipping the classroom in Psychology Alex Mussap Psychology
Structure All ULOs as online CCs Lectures converted to Seminars content ‘download’ v value-adding Seminars replace lectures – contextualise (GLOs), demonstrate, apply, challenge, and otherwise support the ULOs Tutorials/labs continue to develop practical skills and support assessments (eLives always offered)
Strengths and Opportunities structural v process-driven COURSE renewal off-campus becomes the standard (not add-on) minimizes cross-campus disparities drives investment in high-quality CCs makes efficient use of staff time and talent encourages genuine team teaching shifts the focus… active and student-centred learning
Best practice do’s and don’ts Keep the CCs brief (and interactive!) Do this at the course level (consistency/expectations) Don’t skimp on face-to-face time! Seminars should be rich and varied – highlight ULOs (ignore these at your peril!) – assess learning as you go (clickers)! – invite experts / workers in the field – review clinical cases – reduce time-pressures in class – help prepare for exam/assessments (keep ‘em keen!) – host debates, Q&As… Tailor seminars ‘ratios’ to different year levels
Weaknesses and Rookie mistakes It’s only as good as the CCs and Seminars! CCs that are too long Seminars that are unrelated to ULOs (self-indulgent?) Failing to explain the flipped structure to students Failing to manage students’ perceptions and expectations Not listening to / surveying students during roll-out Allowing too much disparity between units Being limited by traditional teaching spaces Teachers who can’t/won’t go beyond ULOs Students feeling overworked Using same model for Level 1 and 3 students! Failing to workload it!
Our experience? course level change achieved / staff engaged revised ULOs, curricula and readings! improved vertical and horizontal integration strengthened and better utilized unit teams freed-up staff in subsequent trimesters (esp.T3) assessed learning on the fly utilized new interactive tech (Storyboard; clickers; live streaming so off-c can participate…) BUT… we also had our share of problems!