Driver Education Chapter 1 You are the Driver
Do Now: What are some laws and regulations that are meant to keep drivers and pedestrians safe on the road? What are some car features that are meant to keep drivers and passengers safe in the car? You are part of the system
What Do The Letters HTS Stand For?
Purpose of HTS: To move people and cargo from one place to another in a safe manner. ___________ Make up the HTS Simple neighborhood lanes, complex super highways, and every kind of street in between make up approximately 4 Million Miles that link every state, county, city, and town in America. Highway Transportation System (HTS)
People who travel the HTS by walking, driving, or riding You must be alert to avoid RISK when driving. Roadway Users
There are more than _____ million registered passenger vehicles in the US. To be a safe driver, you MUST learn how to share the road with other vehicles. Most individuals drive in a safe, low risk manner. Some may be distracted, tired Ill, or impaired by alcohol. Vehicles on the Roads
Roads vary and the common conditions such as rain, nighttime, or rough pavement, can become major problems. Your job is to maintain control. Roadways
Federal, State, and local government agencies work together to regulate the HTS. The National Highway Safety Act Includes guidelines that states must follow such as: vehicle registration, driver licensing, traffic court, highway construction and maintenance. The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act Requires auto makers to install certain safety features in each motor vehicle. Driving is a Privilege and by passing the licensing exam and signing your License, you agree to abide by all traffic laws. Regulating the HTS
DMV Enforcement Agencies Traffic Courts Engineering Medical Aid Education Management of the HTS
To provide safe, rapid and efficient transportation of persons and goods to a desired destination. Safe, Rapid and Efficient Travel There has to be a balance between safe, rapid, and efficient travel. There is a balance between speed and safety. The faster we allow people to drive, the more speed related deaths. Right turn on red produces more accidents. Goal of the HTS
Cars/SUVs – 50% of all new vehicle sales Large trucks – 3% Buses Motorcycles (Most dangerous type of transportation) Bicycles (750 deaths in the US each year, 400 head Injury deaths) Mopeds (1,200 deaths in US each year, 25% DWI) Pedestrians (7,400 MV related deaths each year) 18% Recreational Vehicles (Motor homes, boats, trailers) Farm Vehicles Military Vehicles Emergency Vehicles Users of the HTS
Do Now: Brainstorm a variety of skills needed when driving? Your Driving Task
Must develop habits for: Using knowledge and visual skills Judging speed, time, and space Anticipating how your car will respond under ordinary and emergency conditions Becoming a low risk driver
Mental Skills Decision Making involves critical judgment and continuous monitoring. Stay Alert for unpredictable actions of drivers or pedestrians Protect yourself and your passengers
Interaction with others on the Highway. Drivers must apply social skills to stressful situations to avoid conflict. You must remain calm and patient in order to defuse a potentially dangerous situation. Be a courteous driver Social Skills
Physical Skills – The person’s coordination with the vehicle. Scanning your mirrors every few seconds. Hand Eye Coordination Using controls effectively Steering controls Physical Skills
IPDE Process Identify – Important Information in the current driving situation. Predict – When and Where possible points of conflict may develop. Decide – When, Where, and how to communicate, adjust speed, and/or change position to avoid conflict. Execute - The correct action(s) to prevent conflict.
Driving is a privilege, not a right The state extends you the privilege under the assumption that you will be a responsible traffic citizen and obey all traffic laws. Driving is a MAJOR responsibility. If you assume it and respect it, you will enjoy a lifelong adventure of safe, low risk, low stress driving. …..If you don’t, you have the power of ruining your life and the lives of others DO NOW: What are different costs associated with the driving task? Your Driving Responsibilities
Follow all laws – Implied consent law. Collisions - By law any driver involved in a collision must stop. Legal Responsibilities
Operating Cost – Fuel, Oil, Tires, and Regular Maintenance Fixed Cost – Include purchase of the car, and licensing fees, and your insurance. Crash Costs Financial Responsibilities
Cost of an Accident
A breakdown in the HTS occurs when any part of the system does not work well. Traffic tie-ups and collisions are examples of HTS breakdowns. Your responsible driving will be a major factor in preventing breakdowns in the HTS. Breakdowns in the HTS
Threats to the environment from driving Air pollution water pollution chemical spills land pollution. Actions people can take to help protect the environment Buying and maintaining fuel efficient cars using fuel efficient driving habits Recycling used material Reducing driving through carpools and public transportation Environmental Responsibility
As a driver you must make decisions that show respect for yourself as well as other. Disrespectful actions include high risk driving behaviors, such as…. Respectful actions when driving include… Responsibilities to Yourself and Others
Graduated Driver License Program (GDL) Includes a learners permit stage, intermediate license stage, and the full-privilege stage. Your Driver’s License