AA 10/10/06 Tuesday Welcome Back to School It is now 2 nd Quarter for all Classes Look at Planners and make sure all homework is ready to be turned in. Dear or Surf
AA 10/11/06 Wednesday Q.F.A. Testing Language Arts Special Schedule Today –AA: 8:00-8:20 –Testing: 8:20-9:22 –No Period 6 –Rest of the day same as usual PLEASE Remain QUIET Throughout the TEST Have an AR Book or Homework Ready if you finish early.
AA 10/12/06 Thursday Q.F.A. Testing MATH Special Schedule Today –AA: 8:00-8:05 –Testing: 8:05-9:10 –No Period 3 –Rest of the day same as usual PLEASE Remain QUIET Throughout the TEST Have an AR Book or Homework Ready if you finish early.
AA 10/13/06 Friday Look at Planners and make sure all homework is ready to be turned in. Dear or Surf Practice Presentation for Student Led Conference (SLC)
AA 10/17/06 Tuesday Did you Feel that? Yes the ground was shaking this weekend and this morning Look at these Web sites for current Earthquakes around the world – – Regular Schedule today –DEAR or SURF –Complete any unfinished homework –Ask any questions you have about the Earthquake this weekend.
AA 10/18/06 Wednesday Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF PRACTICE SLC Presentations
AA 10/19/06 Thursday PRACTICE SLC Presentations TAKE HOME SLC SCHEDULE Remind your parents of your meeting time
AA 10/20/06 Friday PRACTICE SLC Presentations Presentations Take Place Next Week Special Schedule Special Schedule for Mon., Tue., Thurs., and Fri.
AA 10/23/06 Monday STUDENT LED CONFERENCE (SLC) WEEK Special Schedule This WeekSpecial Schedule 23-OctMONDAY24-OctTUESDAY25-OctWED26-OctTHURS27-OctFRIDAY 8-8:20AA8-8:20AA8-820AA8-8:20AA8-8:20AA 8:24-9: :24-9: :13-9:572 69:09-9:5439:13-9: :01-10:463 79:58-10:43410:01-10: :50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH10:47-11:32510:50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH 11:30-12: LUNCH11:30-12: Practice SLC Presentations Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 10/24/06 Tuesday STUDENT LED CONFERENCE (SLC) WEEK Special Schedule This WeekSpecial Schedule 23-OctMONDAY24-OctTUESDAY25-OctWED26-OctTHURS27-OctFRIDAY 8-8:20AA8-8:20AA8-820AA8-8:20AA8-8:20AA 8:24-9: :24-9: :13-9:572 69:09-9:5439:13-9: :01-10:463 79:58-10:43410:01-10: :50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH10:47-11:32510:50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH 11:30-12: LUNCH11:30-12: AA Lesson on Voting Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 10/25/06 Wednesday STUDENT LED CONFERENCE (SLC) WEEK Special Schedule This WeekSpecial Schedule 23-OctMONDAY24-OctTUESDAY25-OctWED26-OctTHURS27-OctFRIDAY 8-8:20AA8-8:20AA8-820AA8-8:20AA8-8:20AA 8:24-9: :24-9: :13-9:572 69:09-9:5439:13-9: :01-10:463 79:58-10:43410:01-10: :50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH10:47-11:32510:50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH 11:30-12: LUNCH11:30-12: AA Lesson on Voting Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 10/26/06 Thursday STUDENT LED CONFERENCE (SLC) WEEK Special Schedule This WeekSpecial Schedule 23-OctMONDAY24-OctTUESDAY25-OctWED26-OctTHURS27-OctFRIDAY 8-8:20AA8-8:20AA8-820AA8-8:20AA8-8:20AA 8:24-9: :24-9: :13-9:572 69:09-9:5439:13-9: :01-10:463 79:58-10:43410:01-10: :50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH10:47-11:32510:50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH 11:30-12: LUNCH11:30-12: Take Home Communication Folders Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 10/27/06 Friday STUDENT LED CONFERENCE (SLC) WEEK Special Schedule This WeekSpecial Schedule 23-OctMONDAY24-OctTUESDAY25-OctWED26-OctTHURS27-OctFRIDAY 8-8:20AA8-8:20AA8-820AA8-8:20AA8-8:20AA 8:24-9: :24-9: :13-9:572 69:09-9:5439:13-9: :01-10:463 79:58-10:43410:01-10: :50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH10:47-11:32510:50 11:26LUNCH10:50 11:26LUNCH 11:30-12: LUNCH11:30-12: Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 10/30/06 Monday Complete Decoration of Pumpkin Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 10/31/06 Tuesday Happy Halloween Complete Decoration of Pumpkin AA Lesson –VOTING Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 11/01/06 Wednesday NEED TO COMPLETE 3 more SLCs –Please call your parents now to set up a makeup time Complete AA Lesson on Voting Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 11/02/06 Thursday Take Home Communication Folders Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF
AA 11/03/06 Friday Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF No School Tuesday 11/07/06 –ELECTION DAY
AA 11/06/06 Monday No School Tomorrow 11/07/06 –ELECTION DAY Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF Ask if you need help with your homework Take AR Test No School Friday 11/10/06 Observe Veterans Day
AA 11/08/06 Wednesday No School Friday 11/10/06 –Observe Veterans Day AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF Ask if you need help with your homework Take AR Test
AA 11/09/06 Thursday No School Tomorrow Friday 11/10/06 –Observe Veterans Day –Veterans Day is 11/11/06 Take Home Communication Folder Complete any unfinished homework DEAR or SURF Ask if you need help with your homework Take AR Test
Look on Door for listing of daily activities DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework from the weekend This week Midterm Grade Check for All Classes Progress Reports Turned in Wednesday AA 11/13/06 Monday RL Stevenson Spirit Week RL Stevenson
AA 11/14/06 Tuesday RL Stevenson Spirit WeekRL Stevenson Look on Door for listing of daily activities AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework This week Midterm Grade Check for All Classes Progress Reports Turned in Wednesday
AA 11/15/06 Wednesday RL Stevenson Spirit WeekRL Stevenson Complete and Discuss AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework This week Midterm Grade Check for All Classes Progress Reports Turned in Today
AA 11/16/06 Thursday RL Stevenson Spirit WeekRL Stevenson Take home Communication Folder Complete any unfinished homework
AA 11/17/06 Friday RL Stevenson Spirit WeekRL Stevenson DEAR or SURF Turn in Communication Folder Complete any unfinished homework
AA 11/20/06 Monday Special Schedule this week WEDNESDAY Buccaneer Text Book Run BTR 22-NovWED 8-825AA :22-9:42WIKI 9:48-10:39BTR/7 10:39-12:24FUN FAIR 12:24-1:04LUNCH 1:08-113AA Thursday and Friday NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holliday DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework from the weekend
AA 11/21/06 Tuesday TURN in FIELD TRIP FORMS AA Lesson –Purpose: Focus on the fact that you can be thankful, even for things that might be negative in your life –Instructions: Find ten (negative) things that you are thankful for and why. Start your sentence with Even so, I am thankful for… Special Schedule this week WEDNESDAY Buccaneer Text Book Run BTR 22-NovWED 8-825AA :22-9:42WIKI 9:48-10:39BTR/7 10:39-12:24FUN FAIR 12:24-1:04LUNCH 1:08-113AA Thursday and Friday NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holliday
AA 11/22/06 Wednesday Buccaneer Text Book Run Special Schedule this week WEDNESDAY Buccaneer Text Book Run BTR 22-NovWED 8-825AA :22-9:42WIKI 9:48-10:39BTR/7 10:39-12:24FUN FAIR 12:24-1:04LUNCH 1:08-113AA Thursday and Friday NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holliday AA Lesson Complete your 10 thankful sentences
AA 11/27/06 Monday Turn in Field Trip Forms Review and Take Home Registration Manual and Timeline DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework from the weekend
AA 11/28/06 Tuesday Turn in Field Trip Forms AA Lesson: RESPECT –Complete your individual web by writing in DFINITIONS or EXAMPLES of Respect. –Examples: acceptance, kindness, or listen to others as they speak and dont pressure someone to do something he or she doesnt want to do. –Flip Sheet Over, complete these open-ended sentences: How I respect MYSELF… How I respect my PARENTS… How I respect my SCHOOL & TEACHERS… How I respect my COMMUNITY and ENVIRONMENT… –In the space below the sentences, draw an example based on your responses –Share your responses with the class
AA 11/29/06 Wednesday Turn in Field Trip Forms (Due this Friday) AA Lesson DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework
AA 11/30/06 Thursday Turn in Field Trip Forms (Due this Friday) Take Home Registration Notice in Communication Folder AA Lesson DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Three weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/01/06 Friday Today is December 1 st Turn in Field Trip Forms (Due Today) Turn in Communication Folder DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) Three weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/04/06 Monday DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) Three weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter Special Schedule this week Tuesday REGISTRATION CARDS 05-DECTUE 8-8:35AA 839-9:161 9:20-9:572 10:01-10:373 10:37-10:56WIKI 11:00-11:374 11:41-12:185 12:18-12:53Lunch 12:57-1:346 1:38-2:157
AA 12/05/06 Tuesday Fill out Registration Card TAKE IT HOME and GET IT SIGNED AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework Special Schedule this week Tuesday REGISTRATION CARDS 05-DECTUE 8-8:35AA 839-9:161 9:20-9:572 10:01-10:373 10:37-10:56WIKI 11:00-11:374 11:41-12:185 12:18-12:53Lunch 12:57-1:346 1:38-2:157
AA 12/06/06 Wednesday TURN IN SIGNED REGISTRATION CARD AA Lesson: Continue RESPECT Exercising Character Complete any unfinished homework Two weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter Special Schedule this week Thursday Quarterly Formative Assessment 07-DECTHUR 8-8:05AA 805-9:16TEST 9:20-9:573 10:01-10:374 10:37-10:56WIKI 11:00-11:375 11:41-12:186 12:18-12:53Lunch 12:57-1:347 1:38-2:151
AA 12/07/06 Thursday Q.F.A. Testing: Math Take Home Communication Folder Special Schedule this week Thursday Quarterly Formative Assessment 07-DECTHUR 8-8:05AA 805-9:16TEST 9:20-9:573 10:01-10:374 10:37-10:56WIKI 11:00-11:375 11:41-12:186 12:18-12:53Lunch 12:57-1:347 1:38-2:151
AA 12/07/06 Thursday Q.F.A. Testing MATH Special Schedule Today –AA: 8:00-8:05 –Testing: 8:05-9:16 –Test is 45 minutes –Rest of the day normal periods but only 37 minutes for each PLEASE Remain QUIET Throughout the TEST Have an AR Book or Homework Ready if you finish early.
AA 12/08/06 Friday DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) Two weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/11/06 Monday Field Trip TODAY –We will be back for Lunch and Period 6 –We will meet after AA. –Students will be able to choose their own lane, but it has to be with people that are on the same bus with them. Each lane needs to have 5 people. Each student will bowl up to 3 games. They may pay $1.25 for each additional game thereafter. Students should bring extra money if they want to bowl more games or buy food. Students will also be allowed to play video games once they are done bowling. –Bus #1 103, 112, 203, 208 Lanes #1-10 –Bus #2 109, 204, 404, PO-1 Lanes #11-18 DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) Two weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/12/06 Tuesday AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) Two weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/13/06 Wednesday AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) Two weeks until winter break and End of Second Quarter Special Schedule this week Thursday Quarterly Formative Assessment 14-DECTHUR 8-8:05AA 805-9:16TEST 9:20-9:573 10:01-10:374 10:37-10:56WIKI 11:00-11:375 11:41-12:186 12:18-12:53Lunch 12:57-1:347 1:38-2:151
AA 12/14/06 Thursday Q.F.A. Testing: Math Take Home Communication Folder Special Schedule this week Thursday Quarterly Formative Assessment 14-DECTHUR 8-8:05AA 805-9:16TEST 9:20-9:573 10:01-10:374 10:37-10:56WIKI 11:00-11:375 11:41-12:186 12:18-12:53Lunch 12:57-1:347 1:38-2:151
AA 12/14/06 Thursday Q.F.A. Testing READING Special Schedule Today –AA: 8:00-8:05 –Testing: 8:05-9:16 –Test is 45 minutes –Rest of the day normal periods but only 37 minutes for each PLEASE Remain QUIET Throughout the TEST Have an AR Book or Homework Ready if you finish early.
AA 12/15/06 Friday DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) one week until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/18/06 Monday DEAR or SURF Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) three days until winter break and End of Second Quarter
AA 12/19/06 Tuesday AA Lesson Complete any unfinished homework Less than (<) two days until winter break and End of Second Quarter Special Schedule WEDNESDAY RLS TALENT SHOW 20-DECWED 8-8:30AA Activities 830-9:45Talent Show 9:50-11:30AA Activities 11:30DISMISSAL
AA 12/20/06 Wednesday Half Day Today Special Schedule for Assembly Special Schedule TODAY RLS TALENT SHOW 20-DECWED 8-8:30AA 830-9:45Talent Show 9:50-11:30AA Activities 11:30DISMISSAL