Turnitin.com Student Instructions ©Richard L. Goldman June 19, 2004
© Richard L. Goldman 2 What is Turnitin.com? Turnitin.com is a plagiarism prevention site. Educational institutions use Turnitin.com to evaluate student papers for originality and accurate citation. Papers written for this class are to be directly submitted to Turnitin.com. When you submit your paper to Turnitin.com - do not put your name on your paper. Your instructor will identify your paper by your Turnitin.com student account. If you experience any problems in submitting your paper to Turnitin.com you may submit it on disk or to your instructor. Put your name on the disk but do not include your name on your paper.
© Richard L. Goldman 3 3. Submit a Paper Using TurnItIn.com There are three steps to using TurnItIn.com 2. Enroll in a Class 1. Setup User Account
© Richard L. Goldman 4 1. Student Account Setup 1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Enter in the Address box. 3. Press Enter. 4. Click on the create a user profile link. 5. Enter your address in the address box. (it must be your real address) 6. Click on the next > button. 7. Enter a password of your choice in the enter your password: box. (it must be 6-12 characters long and include letters & numbers) 8. Click on the next > button. 9. Enter your First Name and your Last Name. 10. Select US for your country of residence. 11. Select Oregon for your state of residence. 12. Click on the next > button. 13. Select Student for the type of user. 14. Click on the next > button. 15. Read the agreement. 16. If you agree, Click on the I agree-- continue with profile link.
© Richard L. Goldman 5 2. Enroll in a Class 1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Enter in the Address box. 3. Press Enter. 4. Type your address in the address box. 5. Type your password in the password box. 6. Click on the Log In button. 7. Click on the enroll in a class button. 8. Enter the class/section ID: supplied by your instructor for this class.class/section ID: 9. Enter the enrollment password: supplied by your instructor for this class. 10. Click on the submit button. (Repeat steps 7-10 to enroll in additional classes.)
© Richard L. Goldman 6 3. Submitting a Paper 1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Enter in the Address box. 3. Press Enter. 4. Type your address in the address box. 5. Type your password in the password box. 6. Click on the Log In button. 7. Click on the course title in the enter a class column. 8. Click on the Submit icon that the assignment is for. 9. Insure that your name is correct in the author’s name boxes. 10. Enter the title of your report in the submission title: box. 11. Click on the Browse… button. 12. Browse to and select the file that contains your paper. 13. Click on the Open button. (A path to your file will appear in the box next to the Browse… button.) 14. Click on the Submit button. 15. (The submitted paper will be displayed.) 16. Click the yes, submit button if paper is OK. 17. Write down the paper id: or print the digital receipt as proof of submission.