Install ArcGIS 10 Yong Choi BPA, CSUB
Go to following link: And then, you will transferred to below ESRI web page. And then, click the second box to log into your ESRI global
Fill out “username” and “Password” boxes.
Enter your authorization number. The number is available from our class website. On the class website, look for “GIS Code” link. Find your code and enter the code into the box.
Make sure to select ArcGIS 10.0 for Desktop (for Apple computer, possibly )
Just follow the below instruction. At this point, please go back to the class website and then, try the “How to install ArcGIS 10” link. The link provides all the detail steps for installing SW, including very useful installation instruction video clips.How to install ArcGIS 10
Download the trial ArcGIS 10, which is 3.77 GB (Huge!). So, it will take some time. That is, if you download from home using wireless connection, it will take more than an hour. The best way to download this will be using a wired connection at home or school. Be patience! It might still take more than an hour.
Install 7 zip SW based on your Windows OS type.
Install 7 zip SW based on your Windows OS type. If your Windows OS is 32 bit, then install 7 zip- 32 bit. Otherwise, install 64 bit (see next slide for finding out your OS type).
How to find Windows Operating System Type? You need to find out whether your Windows Operating System is either 32 bit Or 64 bit. – Windows 7: start computer “right click” computer look for “system type” under System Other windows (XP, Vista): pretty much same procedure
You will also receive below from ESRI
The next step is “extract ArcGIS SW 10” using the “7 ZIP” SW that you just installed into your computer.
After the extraction is done by using “7 zip” SW, you will be able to see ArcGIS Desktop 10 folder.
As soon as double click the “ESRI.exe”, you will have below screen and select the “Setup” that is next to “ArcGIS Desktop.”
After you see below, just follow the steps.
Double click the “ESRI.EXE” for installation of ArcGIS 10.
Go to the following website for more detail instruction of installation (installation video clips.) You may want to watch the video clips as many as you want.
VERY IMPORTANT: At the end of installation, make sure to select “ArcInfo (Single Use).”
No need to authorize any extensions…so, select the first option. And That’s it!