Figure 1. - Parameters for internal teeth
Figure 2. - Parameters - for external teeth
Figure 4. - Application of Extrude function on close cutter outline Figure 3. - Primary outline of cutter
Figure 5. - Rectangle drawing on lateral face of extruded block Figure 6. - Result of Cut Extrude command application
Figure 7. - Cutter departure outline drawing Figure 8. - Cutter with general departure face
Figure 9. - Cutter final model. Figure Mortising bar and fixing screw.
Figure The assembly final port-cutter.
- for internal teeth: (1) (2) (4) (3) (5)
(6) (7) (8)
-- for external teeth: (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (15) (16)
c* - reference gaping coefficient; d a - head diameter; d f - foot diameter; d i - current diameter; e i - gaping arch on the circle with d i diameter; - reference pressure angle ; - pressure angle on the circle with d i diameter; - gaping arch semi-angle on circle with d i diameter; - profile displacement coefficient.