Animal Characteristics Heterotrophs Multicellular No cell walls Tissues (most) Sexual Reproduction (most)
Remember classification Kingdom- Animals Phylum – OUR FOCUS Class Order Family Genus species
Phylum Porifera- sponges
* no symmetry, no tissues/organs *evol- multicellular
Cnidaria Jellyfish-medusa Coral- Many polyps living together Radial symmetry Evol- Tissues
news/news/02_25_04.htm Platyhelmithes(Flatworm ) Evol- Bilateral
Nematoda Guinea Worm (round worm) Nematode Worms (round worms) Evol- Pseudocoelom (mouth and anus)
Mollusca Evol- True ceolom (organs) –Visceral Mass: central part with organs –Mantle: Outer body layer –Foot: Movement
Earthworms and Leeches! (Phylum- Annelids) Evol- Segmentation
Arthropoda Evol- Jointed appendages The Classes –Arachnids, Insects, Crustaceans
Echinodermata Evol- Deuterstome Development –(In other words they develop the same way vertebrates do) –Also have an endoskeleton
Vertebrates (Agnatha) Jawless, cartilaginous bodies, ectotherm Lampreys
Vertebrates Chondrichthyes Sharks Cartilaginous skeleton, gills, jaws, 2 chambered heart, internal reproduction, ectotherm
Vertebrates (Osteichtyes) Bones, 2 chambered heart, gills, external reproduction, ectotherm
Vertebrates (Amphibians) Gills + Lungs, 3 Chambered heart, external reproduction, ectotherm
Vertebrates (Reptiles) Lungs, Internal reproduction shelled egg, 3 chambered heart, ectotherm Exception to rule Crocs have a 4 chambered heart (more closely related birds)
Vertebrates (Aves) Lungs, Internal reproduction shelled egg, endotherm, 4 chambered heart
Vertebrates (Mammals) Internal development, lungs, 4 chambered heart, endotherm