Animal Kingdom Overview
What Makes It An Animal? Eukaryotic – has a nucleus Multicellular Specialized cells that form tissue and organs. No cell walls Most have a way to move that helps them reproduce, obtain food and protect themselves.
Types of Animals Invertebrates – no backbone Invertebrates – no backbone Vertebrates - backbone Vertebrates - backbone
Sponges Tissue level of organization. Tissue level of organization. No organs. No organs. Filter feeders Filter feeders
Cnidarians Named for the stinging cells that they use to capture food Named for the stinging cells that they use to capture food Jellyfish, coral, sea anemone and hydra Jellyfish, coral, sea anemone and hydra
Flatworms Flat, solid body. Flat, solid body. No body cavity. No body cavity. One opening, food enters and leaves. One opening, food enters and leaves. Parasitic tapeworms Parasitic tapeworms
Roundworms Tube-like digestive system. Tube-like digestive system. Free-living some are parasitic. Free-living some are parasitic. Heart worms in dogs, hook worms and pin worms. Heart worms in dogs, hook worms and pin worms.
Mollusks Slugs, snails, clams, squids and octopuses. Slugs, snails, clams, squids and octopuses. Digestive tract with two openings. Digestive tract with two openings. Muscular foot for movement. Muscular foot for movement. Mantle that surrounds the internal organs. Mantle that surrounds the internal organs.
Segmented Worms Cylindrical body Digestive tract with two openings. Earthworms, leeches.
Arthropods Tough outer covering called exoskeleton. Jointed appendages that are used for walking, sensing, feeding and mating. 2 out of every 3 animals on earth are arthropods. Spiders, crabs, lobster, shrimp, crayfish, centipedes, millipedes and insects.
Echinoderms Hard bumpy, spiny endoskeleton covered with a thin epidermis. Hard bumpy, spiny endoskeleton covered with a thin epidermis. Move with tiny, suction-cup like tube feet. Move with tiny, suction-cup like tube feet. Sea cucumbers, sea stars. Sea cucumbers, sea stars.
Welcome to the Vertebrates!
Fishes Ectotherm – temperature depends on an external heat source. Ectotherm – temperature depends on an external heat source. Two chambered heart Two chambered heart Breath through gills. Breath through gills.
Amphibians Ectotherm Ectotherm 3 chambered heart 3 chambered heart Lungs Lungs Thin, moist skin Thin, moist skin Adults mainly live on land. Adults mainly live on land. Many go through metamorphosis Many go through metamorphosis Frogs, toads, salamanders Frogs, toads, salamanders
Reptiles Ectotherm Dry, scaly skin Clawed toes Most have a 3 chambered heart. Snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles and alligators.
Birds Only class with feathers. Scales on feet, clawed toes. Endotherm – maintain constant body temperature.
Mammals Endotherm Most have hair Produce milk to feed young 4 chambered heart
References Citation (MLA) Sponges: Porifera. United Learning Discovery Education. 7 May 2009 Citation (MLA) Sponges: Porifera. United Learning Discovery Education. 7 May 2009 Citation (MLA) Phylum Arthropoda: Arthropods, the Joint-Legged Animals. United Learning Discovery Education. 8 May 2009 < Citation (MLA) Phylum Arthropoda: Arthropods, the Joint-Legged Animals. United Learning Discovery Education. 8 May 2009 < Citation (MLA) Sea Stars: Unique Physical Structures and Propulsion System, the Water Vascular System. Aims Multimedia Discovery Education. 8 May 2009 Citation (MLA) Sea Stars: Unique Physical Structures and Propulsion System, the Water Vascular System. Aims Multimedia Discovery Education. 8 May 2009 Citation (MLA) Amphibians. 100% Educational Videos Discovery Education. 8 May 2009 Citation (MLA) Amphibians. 100% Educational Videos Discovery Education. 8 May 2009