BZUPAGES.COM Disk Quotas on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 BS-IT 6 th Proudly Presents
BZUPAGES.COM Group Members: Group Members: Danish Hussain Ahmad Mushtaq Usman Akhter Mudassir Abbas Farukh Ali Imran Khan BS-IT 6 th Proudly Presents
BZUPAGES.COM Danish Hussain Roll No : Our First Presenter is:
BZUPAGES.COM What is Disk Quota ? A disk quota is a limit set by a system administrator that restricts certain aspects of file system usage on modern operating systems. The function of setting disk quota to disks, is to allocate limited disk space in a reasonable way.
BZUPAGES.COM Why use Disk Quotas Use the Windows 2003 disk quota capability to: Prevent users from filling the disk capacity Encourage users to play their part in managing disk space by cleaning up old or unused files Track disk capacity needs for future planning Provide server administrators information about when users are nearing or have reached their disk quotas
BZUPAGES.COM Planning Tip If possible, establish quotas before making shared folders available to users, because it is politically harder to impose the limits after users are accustomed to having none
BZUPAGES.COM M.Usman Akhter Roll No : Our Next Presenter is:
BZUPAGES.COM System Administrator Use of Disk Quotas To specify the amount of disk space for each user To set a warning to log an event when a user is nearing the limit To deny users access if they exceed their limit To log an event when a user exceeds a specified disk space NTFS Partition User MB User 2 35 MB
BZUPAGES.COM What Is Quota Management? Notification Send notifications Log an event Run a command or script Generate storage reports Limiting storage space via a quota and generating notifications when the limits are approached or exceeded
BZUPAGES.COM Disk Quota Management parameter OptionOptionDescriptionDescription Enable quota management Enable quota management Enable disk quota management Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit Users cannot write to volume when they exceed their hard disk space allocation Do not limit disk usage No hard disk space limit for users Limit disk space to Specify amount of disk space users can use Set warning level to Specify amount of disk space users can fill before event is logged Quota Entries Add entries, delete entries, view properties for entries
BZUPAGES.COM Determining the Status of Disk Quotas Red traffic light: disk quotas are not enabled Yellow traffic light: disk quota information is being rebuilt Green traffic light: the disk quota system is active
BZUPAGES.COM Monitoring Disk Quotas with the Quota Entries For Dialog Box
BZUPAGES.COM Guidelines for Using Disk Quotas Log on as Administrator Clear the Deny Disk Space. Set restrictive default limits for all users. Delete disk quota entries for a user who no longer stores files on a volume.
BZUPAGES.COM Farukh Ali Sahu Roll No : Our Next Presenter is:
BZUPAGES.COM Creating an Active Directory
Mudassir Abbas Roll No : Our Next Presenter is:
BZUPAGES.COM Adding a new user in the domain. Why add a new user: So that we can apply and check the Disk Quota rule on the new user. Requirement: Create an Active Directory (Done in the previous step) Steps: Create user Place the user in a group
BZUPAGES.COM Adding User Now we will add user. (Using Vmware) and then add it to a group.
BZUPAGES.COM Ahmad Mushtaq Roll No : Our Next Presenter is:
BZUPAGES.COM Applying Disk Quota Finally we will apply Disk Quota rule on a volume. (Using Vmware) Steps for doing this are: Activate Disk Quota Management. Then apply rule for specific user or group. Log off the current user. Log on the user on which the rules were applied. Check the available disk space.
BZUPAGES.COM Imran Khan Roll No : Our Next Presenter is:
BZUPAGES.COM Some Pros of File Quota The quota system implemented in NTFS 5.0 is quite flexible and includes many capabilities: You have the ability to do the following: Set quotas on a per-user or per-volume basis. This lets you limit space used on particular disks, or overall total space use for a person. Set a "limit" level and a "warning" level, or both. The user is blocked from using any disk space above the "limit" level. He or she may use space beyond the "warning" level, but a warning will be generated. Monitor and log events that cause a user to go over the "limit" or "warning" levels.
BZUPAGES.COM Use Wisely It can be annoying to have users fail at what they are doing because they have run out of disk space. It is a good idea to institute quotas only if they are really and truly needed. If you do use them, be sure not to make them too restrictive--if you do, not only will your users be inconvenienced, so will you when they call asking to have their quotas increased. Using the "warning" mode may be a good compromise in some circumstances.