RECYCLE Recycle Compliance Tracking System PVK Corporation.


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Presentation transcript:

RECYCLE Recycle Compliance Tracking System PVK Corporation

What is RCTS? RCTS (Recycle Compliance Tracking System) is a powerful system for managing commercial recycle plans and haulers in your city, county and state.

Who are the users? Recycling Coordinators Recycling Chief Recycling Inspectors Recycling Management Staff

Why RCTS? Commercial Businesses: –Submit plan online –Easy plan tracking –Expiration Notification –Approval/Disapproval letters –Easy plan renewal (Resubmission)

Why RCTS? Hauler Monitoring: –Hauler Tracking –Online Reporting –Approval/Disapproval Letters –Vehicle Registration and Fees Tracking –Tonnage Tracking –Tonnage Delinquency Notification

Why RCTS? Your Agency –Easy plan approval / deny –Plan tracking –Renewal control –Physical inspections record –Statistical reports –Provides information for vehicle registration and fees collection system

How it works? County Business Hauler

How it works? County Business Hauler Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees

How it works? County Business Hauler Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration

How it works? County Business Hauler Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Monitors

Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration How it works? County Business Hauler Submits plan online Monitors

Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration Monitors How it works? County Business Hauler Submits plan online Approves / Denies

Submits plan online Approves / Denies Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration Monitors How it works? County Business Hauler Sends physical inspectors

Submits plan online Approves / Denies Sends physical inspectors Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration Monitors How it works? County Business Hauler Monitors plan execution

Submits plan online Approves / Denies Sends physical inspectors Monitors plan execution Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration Monitors How it works? County Business Hauler Renewals monitoring

How it works? County Business Hauler Submits plan online Approves / Denies Sends physical inspectors Monitors plan execution Renewals monitoring Registration, insurance, vehicle registration, fees Approval process, certificate, vehicle registration Monitors

System interactions

Inspection data

System interactions Ticket data Inspection data

System interactions Ticket data Ticket data Inspection data

Capture CBR Plans and audit trail for approval Haulers information and audit trail for approval Required data ensure correct level of detail Single view for CBR Plans and Haulers by active, pending and expiration

Track Vehicle registration and insurance data for recycling vehicles Fees collected for each vehicle Recycle bin distribution Customer call logs Missed collection for recycle Changes to CBR Plans and Haulers (who, when, why) Choose what data has to be tracked

Letter generation Acknowledgement letters for CBR Plans received Approval / Disapproval letter for CBR Plans received Expiration notice for CBR Plans Hauler Welcome letter Expiration notices for Hauler Registration, Hauler Vehicle Registration, and Hauler Insurance Registration

notifications Whenever a CBR Plan is to expire Whenever a Hauler registration is to expire Whenever a Hauler Vehicle Registration is to expire Whenever a Hauler Vehicle Insurance is to expire

Printing Hauler Registration Certificate Hauler Vehicle Registration Cards Hauler Vehicle Permit Stickers Hauler and CBR Plan Envelops Approval/Disapproval letters for CBR and Haulers Letters for Expiration notices (Registration, Vehicle registration, Insurance)

Built-in reporting Hauler reports Tonnage reports by date, Hauler, location, material Hauler reports by dates, wards Vehicle registration report by company and date Vehicle fees collection report by company and date Delinquent tonnage report by date, Hauler Hauler profile report Commercial business recycle reports Commercial recycle plan reports by date submitted, date approved, date received, ward, commercial establishment type, inspector, etc.

Ease-of-use Intuitive interface – as easy as using a browser One page provides summary and detailed information on CBR Plans and Haulers Point and click access to any area of the application Point and click editors for customizing fields Create parent-child links between Haulers, Vehicles and Insurance Batch printing of letters and plans

Customization Customize letters content Define custom “when rules” to trigger notifications when any data piece changes Customize the content of the messages Customize BRPH Tracking System to match your process and terminology Customize Web views by editing templates

External data Attach any type of file, text or binary, to a CBR or Hauler Copy (upload) or link to attachments View attached files

Security Define users and user groups Authenticate users using Active Directory, Windows domains Enable and disable features Restrict access to specific Web views Restrict access to all Web views of a project Define workflow rules based on group membership

Case Study Past Scenario Manual, paper-based CBRP and Hauler Tracking are inefficient, error-prone, and difficult to track Long cycle times and bottlenecks mean missed deadlines, diminished quality and productivity, possible legal exposure Managers can’t get reports on CBRP’s; Haulers and Tonnage of recycle material. Existing systems can’t automate/track approvals, exceptions, printing, mailing and communication. Agencies lack a common platform for extending processes and supporting information outside the agency

Case Study Current Scenario: Keeps CBRP’s and hauler registration moving on schedule and with fewer errors and problems? Lets you know where work stands in real time at every moment Automates routine steps in your recycle tracking system and issues alerts to quickly handle exceptions Generates reports that provide details on CBRP’s, Haulers and tonnage of recycle material Handles work according to the precise requirements of legislative and regulatory mandates Eliminates paper-based processes, multiple phone calls, manual logging and tracking Ideal for CBRP’s, hauler tracking and related processes. Automated electronic alerts about new Plans, deadlines, Escalations, and actions ensure that work is prioritized correctly and Staff sends out the notices to business and hauler on schedule

Licensing One payment No renewals Unlimited number of users One-site license Annual maintenance contracts


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