Chapter 18 The Eighteenth Century: European States, International Wars, and Social Change
Europe in 1763 ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
The European States Enlightened Absolutism? Natural Rights Characteristics Declaration of Independence Enlightened rulers How they were to rule The Atlantic Seaboard States France: The Long Rule of Louis XV Rules 1715-1774 1743 decides to rule alone Louis XVI, 1774-1792
Great Britain: King & Parliament United Kingdom of Great Britain, 1707 Ministers chosen by the king to make Set policy and guide Parliament Parliament has legislative power Makeup of Parliament Hanoverians – George I, 1714-1727 and George II, 1727-1760 Robert Walpole, 1721-1742, prime minister William Pitt, the Elder George III, (1760-1820) William Pitt, the Younger
Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe Prussia: The Army and The Bureaucracy Frederick William I, 1713-1740 General Directory Highly efficient Bureaucracy Army Junkers Frederick II, the Great, 1740-1786 Well educated Enlightenment thought Reforms: Law code, Civil liberties Socially and politically conservative Use of the Army Expansion
The Austrian Empire of the Hapsburgs Empress Maria Theresa, 1740-1780 Austria culturally divided Practical reforms but conservative Joseph II, 1780-1790 Reforms Abolishes serfdom New penal code Reforms overwhelming
Russia Under Catherine the Great, 1762-1796 Reform – Instruction, 1767 Strengthens landholders at expense of serfs Rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev, 1773-1775 Territorial expansion
Enlightened Absolutism Revisited Only Joseph II sought radical changes based on Enlightenment ideas Political and social realities
Pugachev’s Rebellion ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under
Wars and Diplomacy European rivalries The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) A world war? Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763 Diplomatic Revolution European War Indian War Robert Clive (1725-1774) North American War William Pitt the Elder British victory
The Battlefields of the Seven Years’ War ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Economic Expansion & Social Change Population and Food Population Growth Falling death rate Improvements in diet Ideal growing conditions New crops Family, Marriage, and Birthrate Patterns Nuclear family Late marriages Limits on the birthrate New Methods of Finance National debt National Banks Cottage industry for textiles
The Social Order of the Eighteenth Century Patterns of society Forces of change The Peasants General situation Compulsory services Importance of the village Domination by wealthy landowners The Nobility Privileges of the nobility Military service Moving into the ranks of the nobility
Inhabitants of Towns and Cities Townspeople still a minority of the population Importance of towns Centers of culture Urban oligarchy Middle class Petty bourgeoisie Laborers Sanitation and poverty
Discussion Questions How did enlightenment ideas help form Enlightened Absolutes in Europe in the 18th century? What do you think are the reasons for the rise of enlightened monarchs in Central Europe? What were some of the changes in social order in the 18th century?
Web Links Louis XIV Frederick the Great Catherine the Great Maria Theresa Pre-enlightenment Europe