Firewall Network Processor™: Technical Concept and Business Solutions FNP™ – is a trademark of Fractel Inc. December 2008 Columbus.
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 2 Content Introduction: business value and technology trend Introduction: business value and technology trend Seeking decision: concept of secure network environment and intelligent “wire” Seeking decision: concept of secure network environment and intelligent “wire” FNP as a patented capability to keeping network infrastructure secure FNP as a patented capability to keeping network infrastructure secure technical aspects functionality business solution Summary Summary
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 3 Key issues many companies : spend millions of dollars each year investing in business systems to make information available to authorized persons and customers spend millions of dollars each year investing in business systems to make information available to authorized persons and customers seeing business value in access to Internet information infrastructure to improve employee performance seeing business value in access to Internet information infrastructure to improve employee performance … and seeking technology that can to give employees new functionality without opening the door to attacks and unauthorized access to securing sensitive business data seeking technology that can to give employees new functionality without opening the door to attacks and unauthorized access to securing sensitive business data
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 4 Introduction best-effort service (no internal QoS mechanism) best-effort service (no internal QoS mechanism) simple authentication model ( trust network environment ) simple authentication model ( trust network environment ) Basic Internet principal and security issue: Comments: To enjoy Internet as a business media people must take control of traffic content in the many forms (VLAN,VPN, VoIP,…) and channels (IP, P2P..) A deep understanding of how employees use Internet recourses requires effective security and management solution.
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 5 Network infrastructure: are any “right places” for investment with low risks and expense? Network access policy communication lines Set of “intelligent” nodes - applications Business in a form of “applications” – Benephisheries: ASP, banks, electronic commerce companies, GRID computing, etc Business in a form of “packet traffic”, connectivity, and bandwidth Benephisheries: hardware and software suppliers, ISP, Telco, e-PTN Service level Low Expense “border” Packet processes Low Risk “border” Comments: business opportunity is close to service and access “border” customers will deploy the security solution that suits their existing environment.
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 6 Solution examples Technology added “value”Income E-commerce wide access turnover up E-commerce wide access turnover up VPN remote office outsourcing VPN remote office outsourcing Access Management Single Sign-on employee Access Management Single Sign-on employee productivity productivityComments: the best investments - reduction of business expenses The best innovations - reduction of technology risks
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 7 Internet as a service media: Intellectual services (DB, CAD, PDM, routing, switching,) belongs to the network nodes; Telco service measures - bandwidth and delay Comment: There is “Gap” in the network service space - no “intelligent ” service processing on wire level Is this gap” become the business opportunity? User needs - Applications ASP keeps Servers ISP controls IP Routers Telco provides wire grid Application Port/MAC/IP n MAC/IP i Application port/IP/MAC 1 Application IP/MAC 2
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 8 “it_is_secure” wire infrastructure “it_is_secure” wire infrastructure “itiss” means : management tools Merge existing packet switching technology and access management tools with innovative concept of “intelligent wire” - IP node preprocessor Find out the cost-effective decision to add intelligent feature to the wire infrastructure Application network IP logical space MAC grid MAC/IP n MAC/IP i IP/MAC 1 IP/MAC 2
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 9 Fractel™ - Security Approach and Components & know-how Technical aspect: provides multilevel packet processing which retains current routing and access policies available in secure computer networks Decision & know how: “stealth” firewall network processor (FNP) that provides security functions “outside standard network nodes” (IPv4, IPv6, IPX,...) on the “wire level” Cost-effective platform for packet processing on MAC, IP, TCP and application levels
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 10 Design Aspects: Asynchrony packet flow processing– “one hop many functions” (content and packet filtering) Asynchrony packet flow processing– “one hop many functions” (content and packet filtering) Scalable filtering performance – “one transport protocol many security applications” (web, ftp, sql,..) Scalable filtering performance – “one transport protocol many security applications” (web, ftp, sql,..) Deliver hardware level performance to software programmable device by:
Aspect 1: Asynchrony traffic processing in “intelligent” wire router FNP i1 router FNP in process p 1 process p 2 process p n Node l Node m IP 1 IP 2 IP 3 IP 4 IP 1 IP 2 IP 3 IP 4 Link l Link l+1
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 12 ….”Grid” of applications… node 0node xnode x+1node M … … p2p virtual connection packet physical link buffer packet drops TCP/UDP Application1, application2 TCP/UDP … application n Aspect 2: One control mechanism for many applications content management
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 13 Firewall NP (FNP) Design Principals Two types of network interfaces Two types of network interfaces Cost-effective platform Cost-effective platform Flexible and scalable Management Flexible and scalable Management Innovative design Innovative design Filtering and Control functions Standard hardware and specific control software control interface) Industrial protocols (Active Directory, Open LDAP, WEB control interface) Patented “address less” technology
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 14 FNP Architecture Filtering module Service module authorization, UI daemon Local storage External storage … … … Cache hierarchy incoming trafficoutgoing traffic Stealth incoming interface(s) Stealth outgoing interface(s) 1 2 S s =F( 2 ) S f =F( 2 ) =F( 1, 2 ) sockets Open source OS kernel Control interface
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 15 FNP Hardware Platform: 100/1000 Ethernet port (control interface) 100/1000 Ethernet ports LAN, DMZ, WAN (stealth mode) interfaces power switch
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 16 corporate network Global Internet Scenario 1: content switching (single-box deployment) ISP network router or backbone switch Web server ftp servers end-user segment FNP-1000/4 Control Interface Content switching Administrative Segment with LDAP and FNP Logfiles DB
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 17 Scenario 2: S olution for Data Center (protection environment for complex infrastructure) switched network infrastructure G l o b a l I n t e r n e t Scalability Metro WDM Ethernet switch FNP-1000/ Manageability Local Gigabit VLAN switches control interfaces internal network sensor Availability Distinct VLAN segment DC admin monitor Log DB FNP-100/4S protected network segment stealth interfaces Local admin monitor
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 18 Scenario 3: dynamic security control (… and third-party integration) ta fnp control interface Firewall rules are generated and deleted automatically after WDC logon\logoff of the end user Switch DNS ftp- server admin and Log DB Storage domain Windows Domain controller / Active Directory public Internet NAS-server VLAN segment FNP-1000/4
Firewall Network Processor: core concept and solutions 19 Summary - FNP advantages : Based on patented architecture Based on patented architecture Delivers security appliance solutions for organizations of all types and sizes Delivers security appliance solutions for organizations of all types and sizes Support industrial standard and third-party integration within Support industrial standard and third-party integration within existing network infrastructure. Increase company’s productivity through the management of non- business activities. Increase company’s productivity through the management of non- business activities. Decreased bandwidth costs by limiting noncritical network traffic Decreased bandwidth costs by limiting noncritical network traffic and blocking objectionable URLs and applications. and blocking objectionable URLs and applications. Compatible with nearly every available cost-effective hardware platform Compatible with nearly every available cost-effective hardware platform