Real Time Utility Monitoring Case Study, RM & Customer Experiences Dave Everett Commercial Manager Indirect Purchasing RM Education.
Agenda. The journey of choice Goals and measurement to success Lessons Learned & Suggestions Questions and answers.
No change – Using only Half hourly information from our meters on a month + 1 basis Smart meters – Day + 1 information from a Smart meter roll out Real Time – Live (5 Minute) information from all pulse capable utility meters, Smart or otherwise Wired/Wireless – The high cost of cabling alone made our decision The Journey of Choice – Why real time?
Our choices: Fiscal Meters – No need to install new meters allowed top level view of building use Sub Metering – Great idea but planning is key Ensure your electrical and pipework schematics are up to date. Overlay on a each building on a floorplan, know what your metering Do the same for Gas and Water How detailed should we be?
Even with a month +1 data we could set a goal and achieve it But time erodes and old habits die hard Human Psychology – Most of us like to compete in some way Building Vs Building This month Vs last month Performance to target Make it clear and make it simple – You’re able to interpret the detailed information, someone seeing it for the first time may not Goals and Measuring Success
Building Gas use before and after.
Building Gas use before and after – early morning use corrected.
Previous graph is most powerful the same day the problem is solved The more you see progress the more supportive your end users It’s not just about the users, it’s about us as well. Show live progress to targets Focus our activity where it’s needed most Alert us when things go wrong, not when they are reported Give us the information we need on demand, not tomorrow Challenge the apathy, look at the graph in 2 slides time Goals and Measuring Success – Real Time Motivates
Water leak – Alert given and problem solved next day.
“No leaks here – our water bills been the same for years…..”
MI Data. Senior Sponsor Buy-in is invaluable Whilst room/floor level monitoring is ideal you can do a lot without it Create a rolling fund whereby 25%-50% of the savings are re-invested Continuous programme of improvement (don’t let it stall) Don’t ignore the other Utilities (Gas, Water, Fuel Oil, Diesel) Communicate with your audience in different ways, simple & engaging As changing behaviour can bring savings and advocates Network with your peers, share information and experiences Lessons learned & Suggestions
Thank you for listening. For further information or a copy of this powerpoint please contact Dave Everett on or