Te Roopū Arahi mō ngā Tauira Māori Pou Tarawaho Angītū (Te Roopu Arahi)
These terms of reference set out: the purpose; the role; the responsibilities; the principles upon which the roopū operates and a description of the steering group.
Purpose The overall purpose of the Te Roopū Arahi is to improve Māori learners’ success across The Correspondence School (TCS). This will be done by using the MLSF or Māori Responsiveness Strategy) to take a school-wide focus on improving Māori learner success.
Role The role of Te Roopū Arahi is to: lead the review of the MLSF for 2009; evaluate the implementation and action plans in ; be a conduit for consultation and communication within TCS and with other agencies; provide advice on school-wide issues (like professional development and consultation with Māori); highlight excellent practice and successes in TCS; advise and identify ways TCS can be more responsive to Māori learners; and advocate for Māori learners and their whanau.
Responsibility Te Roopū Arahi is responsible for: providing the school with information (action- research, responding to data, case studies, advice) that assists the school to become more responsive to Māori learners’ needs; providing advice on strategies to move forward for achievement for Māori learners’; providing leadership of the MLSF individually, in teams and across wahanga; contributing to setting a positive climate for change; and promoting the MLSF.
Principles Te Roopū Arahi is committed to: the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi (Partnership, Protection and Participation); improving the outcomes of Māori learners in TCS; having high expectations for Māori learner success; TCS meeting the needs of all Māori learners; involving whanau/family in learners’ learning and decision-making in the school; consulting with different groups of Māori; and being visionary and pragmatic.
The principles Te Roopū Arahi operates on are: having open, honest and respectful communication; being respectful and inclusive of all views; taking a reflective and critical, informed approach to ideas and information; taking evidence-based decisions; supporting staff to be involved in the whanau group; being aware of national and global developments in indigenous education; engaging with other agencies to benefit Māori learners; being welcoming to all; and becoming more bi-cultural as a group.
Composition Steering group members will be required to make a commitment for a 12 month period. There is no limit on the number of members for Te Roopū Arahi, however it is recognised that membership is representative of: all areas of the school; committed to the overall purpose of improving outcomes for Māori learners; has some technical expertise in matauranga Māori, te reo me ona tikanga; accountable to the Chief Executive; diverse; and knowledgeable.
Rotation The whanau group was supportive of there being a 12 month rotation policy which involved half of the group staying on the steering group and the other half being replaced by new members. Craig Rofe; Helen McConnell; Hoani Maniapoto; Jen McCutcheon; John Nisbet; Karen Mooney; Liz Eley; Liz Monaghan; Lois Amaru; Mihi Retimana; Nathan Durie; Nikki Douglas; Piata Winitana-Murray; Richie Morehu; Rihari Madams; Sonya Bishara; Spencer Jonathan; Sue Spiers; Tamara Haunui; Tauwhiri Mihaere; TeRina Leonard
Selection The group believes that the all members of the steering group first and foremost must be committed the overall purpose of improving outcomes for Māori learners.
Work-load It is recognised that participation in this group could impact on staff members’ work-load. For the remainder of 2009 it is agreed that staff commitment is one hour per week, and this will be evaluated in 2010.
When It is agreed that meetings will take place during the hours of 8.30am to 4pm.
SLT Responsibility to the Te Roopū Arahi: ensuring that all staff are working towards enhancing Māori student success through their performance plans; providing the Te Roopū Arahi with administrative resources and support; consulting with Te Roopū Arahi on initiatives related to Māori learner success consulting with the Te Roopū Arahi on Māori education policy; promoting the MLSF and the work of the Te Roopū Arahi; leading and championing the MLSF across TCS and with external stakeholders; ensuring that all staff are regularly updated on the Te Roopū Arahi ; and supporting the Te Roopū Arahi to undertake projects.
Approval The Te Roopū Arahi Terms of Reference require the approval of the Chief Executive and Senior Leadership Team.
Review It is agreed that the Te Roopū Arahi will conduct a review of its Terms of Reference including its role, structures, composition and processes bi-annually.