Bellwork Why are you taking Public Speaking? What do you hope to learn in this class? Write down one goal that you have for your time in this class.
Public Speaking Introduction
Bellwork Grab a pen or pencil and sign your name on the Class Rules sheet and Class Goals sheet at the front of the room. Remember, everyone is signing these sheets, so try to write small.
How did you make your decision individually? How did your group make its decision? What were some challenges? How did you handle the conflict? Did you have to compromise?
Did a leader emerge? How did he/she lead? What can happen when people of different stereotypes get together?
Elements of Speaking Prepared Relaxed Natural Planned Clear Confident
Intro to Me Make a list of 10 statements about yourself. Next to each statement, write one word that symbolizes that statement.
Intro to Me Rank those symbols by the ones that are most important to you.
Intro to Me Look at your symbol/statement that you chose best described you. Think about it for just a few minutes. Why does this symbol describe you best? What do you think it says about you? Write down your thoughts.
Effective Communication What do you think makes communication “effective?” What makes communication “engaging?”
Communication Communication consists of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people.
Communication What do you think are “types” of communication?
Types of Communication Intrapersonal - self Interpersonal - relationship Interviewing - professional Small group - relationship and task Public - presentation Computer-mediated - relationship removed Mass - one source to many receivers
Public Speaking Speaking in public is a form of public communication. Why do you think public speaking is necessary in our society?
Public Speaking Public speaking incorporates all the forms of communication - verbal and nonverbal. Mastering public speaking is part of mastering communication.
Communication Process Understanding the communication process will help us understand how to effectively communicate.
Beliefs about Communication
Communication is... a Process of Adjustment Ambiguous Involves Content and Relationship Dimensions
Communication is... Involves Power Punctuated Purposeful Inevitable, Irreversible, and Unrepeatable
Culture Culture consists of the beliefs, ways of behaving, and artifacts of a group. Culture is transmitted through communication and learning.
Culture How does communication affect culture?