RTQ UTQ ATQ Mr Bs reminder for questions
RTQ Read The Question You have to start by carefully reading the question. Not the question you think it is, but the question it is!
UTQ Understand The Question Now that you have carefully read the question, you have to figure out exactly what the question is asking! Is there more than one part to the question? What does the second ( third, fourth …) part ask?
ATQ Answer The Question Understanding what the question (and any parts it may have) is asking, you can now begin to answer it. Look for appropriate information in the book, your notes, online or other books. You only need to answer the question(s) that are asked - paragraphs around the answer arent needed!
ATQ Answer the Question - Part 2 Read your answer - is it answering the question that was asked? Is it only answering part of the question? Is it answered well? If it isnt right, fix it!
5. Name the units and instruments you will use in science to measure each of the following quantities: a. time b. distance c. volume d. temperature e. mass
6. Describe how the standard unit of time was originally established. Explain why the definition of the standard was changed.
7. What is the difference between a direct and an indirect measurement?
8. Give one example each of a direct and an indirect distance measurement.
9. How could you make an indirect measurement of the number of students in your school? In your answer, identify the direct measurements you would make and use.
Disclaimer Aloha I put together these power points for use in my science classes. You may use them in your classes. Some images are public domain, some are used under the fair-use provisions of the copyright law, some are mine. Copyright is retained by the owners! Ted Brattstrom