CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 1 NuPECC – Long Range Plan 2010 Working Group 6 Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications.


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Presentation transcript:

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 1 NuPECC – Long Range Plan 2010 Working Group 6 Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 - 2 WG6 members Benlliure Jose, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain Boston Andrew, University of Liverpool, UK Chomaz Philippe, CEA/Irfu, France (NuPECC SC member) Durante Marco, GSI Darmstadt, Germany Gammino Santo, INFN-LNS Catania, Italy Gomez Camacho Joaquim, CNAO, Sevilla, Spain Huyse Mark, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium Kucera Jan, Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czech Republic Leray Sylvie, CEA/Irfu, France (Convener) Moretto Philippe, CENBG Bordeaux, France Nappi Eugenio, INFN-Bari, Italy (NuPECC liaison) Sihver Lembit, Chalmers University, Sweden Trautmann Christina, GSI Darmstadt, Germany 13/10/09

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 - 3 Activities First meeting was held in Saclay on September 9 th  Definition of the objectives  Division of the work/report into sub-groups according to domains of applications (energy, health, materials, art, security,...) October 12 th meeting  discussion with external experts  final list of sub-groups  first draft of Key Questions  Next meeting December 18 th in Paris 13/10/09

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 4 Objectives of WG6 State the importance of NP applications (transfer of knowledge, benefits for the society and for the community, improve public perception, training of engineers, doctors, technicians…) Review recent achievements in the field and the current state of the art: strengths / weaknesses. Identify open problems and new issues: opportunities / threats Develop medium and long-term strategies to tackle them Optimise interplay between fundamental physics and application end-users (identify present and potential clients and their expectations for each field). Analysis the various application dynamics : client, discovery, technology-driven Develop the European and worldwide perspective of the field, identifying synergies  Formulate recommendations (support to existing facilities, interest of the future facilities, development of new techniques, structuring of the community, human resources) and suggest action plan

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 5 Methodology Division of the work/report according to domains of applications (energy, health, materials, art, security,...)  Subgroups with one coordinator + members of WG6  additional experts will be consulted Each subgroup should:  review the state-of-the art in the domain and identify strengths and weaknesses  identify opportunities/threats  propose key questions  define key issues  formulate recommendations

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 6 List of domains/sub-groups (1) 1.Nuclear energy (J. Benlliure, L. Sihver, M. Huyse, SL, …) o Fission: Generation IV reactors, transmutation of nuclear waste, accelerator-driven sub-critical reactors (nuclear data, detector development, HI accelerators…) o Fusion: magnetic confinement, inertial confinement, IFMIF (technological developments, instrumentation, activation data…) o Other energies: oil prospection, … 2.Life science and radioprotection (M. Durante, A. Boston, Ph. Moretto, E. Nappi, S. Gammino,, L. Sihver, SL…) o Imaging (diagnostics, therapy, research) (NMR, SPECT, PET) o Photon and charged particle tumor therapy o Radiopharmaceutical element production and use o Nuclear Genomics o Sterilization o radioprotection 3.Environmental and space applications (L. Sihver, A. Boston, J. Gomez- Camacho, Ph. Moretto, M. Durante…) o climate change monitoring, o water resources, air quality o radioecology, o space applications

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/ State security (A. Boston, J. Benlliure, SL, …) o Detection of fissile materials o Detection of explosives, mines o Non-proliferation 5.Materials sciences and study of materials for industry (M. Huyse, C. Trautmann, J. Kucera, J. Gomez-Camacho, S. Gammino, …) o Material characterization o Material modification, ion implantation o Material damage study 6.Cultural heritage, arts and archaeology (J. Gomez-Camacho, S. Gammino, …) o Dating o Elemental analysis 7.NP tools applied to other fundamental research domain (C. Trautmann, …) o atomic physics, o nanoscience 8. New frontiers in NP tools (accelerators, detectors, computing, microelectronics…(S. Gammino, …) List of domains/sub-groups (2)

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 8 WG6 – Key questions SG1: Nuclear energy  KQ: How can the NP community help increase the sustainability of nuclear energy generation and safety? o Fission: help solve the problem of nuclear waste, contribute to increase reactor safety, better use of fuel resources o Fusion: help solve the issue of material damage and activation, help develop a feasible and cost effective technology for fusion power plants SG2: Health science  KQ: New methods for producing radioisotopes, new isotopes  KQ: How to improve simulation codes for hadrontherapy?  KQ: Best particle for cancer therapy?  KQ: How to improve the quality of imaging technologies based on NP methods decreasing the dose to the patient? SG3: Environmental and space applications  KQ: Can we go to Mars?  KQ: How NP can help in monitoring natural and artificial radioactivity and climate change?

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 9 WG6 – Key questions SG4: State security  KQ: Which new, or modifications of existing, NP tools are needed to cope with new requirements regarding homeland security? SG5: Material science  KQ: Testing and characterisation of materials to be used in extreme conditions  KQ: Can we explore ultra-fast processes induced by high-energy ions? SG6: Cultural heritage, arts and archaeology  KQ: How to improve non-destructive in-depth analysis? SG7: NP tools applied to other fundamental research domain  How can NP help understanding history of minerals in geoscience ? SG8: New frontiers in NP tools  High-intensity accelerators for Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors (ADSRs), ISOL based facilities, and Spallation Neutron Sources (ESS)  Radiation hard, fast detectors with low material budget for use for accelerator beam diagnostics and beam loss monitors

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 10 To be prepared for inclusion into the report A map with all facilities working for applications will be made Boxes presenting recent progress in a given technique used for several applications A matrix “Applications versus tools” will be produced example AcceleratorsDetectorsNuclear dataSimulation codes Ion beam analysis …… Nuclear energy- ADS - Inertial confinement fusion -Gen-IV reactors - waste transmutation -Activation, material damage in fusion Life sciencehadrontherapyImaging Radioprotection Material science Cultural heritageElemental analysis

CEA DSM Irfu - Sylvie Leray - NuPECC LRP2010 WG6 -13/10/09 11 Agenda Final list of Key Questions (end October ) Information of the communities  GEDEPEON workshop on Nuclear Data: November  ESS meeting in Lund: 2-4 December  …  First draft of sub-group reports: December 10th  WG6 Meeting Saclay December 18: 1 st draft of WG6 recommendations  mid (end) of January: 1 st draft of WG6 report