What is Arbora? An international group, established in 1989, of owner-managed companies specialising in: C areer development O utplacement services E xecutive coaching Located in the principal business areas of Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific Over 200 offices in 29 countries
Where do I find Arbora? Europe Austria Denmark Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Latvia Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands United Kingdom Americas Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico Panama Puerto Rico USA Asia-Pacific Australia Japan Korea New Zealand Philippines Singapore
What is the Benefit to our Clients? Working closely with the client, Arbora Partners take time to understand the needs of the client and develop innovative solutions accordingly Experienced consultants coach you through every step of your change project Tailor-made services with the assurance that all cultural and legal requirements have been considered
What are our Key Services? A ssisting and advising employers in the field of change management O utplacement on a one-to-one or group basis for all levels of the client organisation. All outplacement services have a firm market and work/life balance focus C areer development and assessment B usiness coaching and leadership development
Why choose Arbora? Overview Every Arbora partner is an independent business with a proven track record in providing quality outplacement and career consulting services Every Arbora office Is part of a global team with well-established Partners based in all the principal business areas of the world Every Arbora location is backed by global consulting expertise Every Arbora team guarantees local focus, global reach and industry expertise
Why choose Arbora? Local Focus Every Arbora partner has unrivalled experience in the local market Every Arbora office has expertise in getting the most out of the local economy Thanks to years of high-quality service, each partner has strong connections with local organisations and job markets, as well as with political and cultural circles Consultants conduct services with sensitivity to local cultural backgrounds, legal requirements and social customs
Why choose Arbora? Global Reach Arbora is firmly established in all the principal business areas of the world Arbora partners know and understand the markets and the specific business sectors at local level - throughout the world Arbora consultants constantly communicate with each other to share the latest best practice and thought leadership Arbora Partners have a shared, cutting-edge approach to guarantee seamless service