з англійської мови “Порівняльна характеристика лексики американського і британського варіантів сучасної англійської мови ” Виконавець: учениця 10-3 класу Фінансово-економічного ліцею Землянкіна Катерина Керівник: Клачкова Марія Антонівна
Why does it happen? Travelling
That’s why instead of «English» there are many «Englishes» - variations of the language. In this research we will focus on the two mostly commonly used versions of English - British and American English. English is spoken in many countries either as the mother tongue or as a second language. It is the national language of England, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and some provinces of Canada.
When you go to the UK and switch on the TV you will see a lot of American shows, movies and films which, of course, are shown in the original, American version.
The objectives of the work are: -to study and analyze the causes of the appearance of American English; -to systematize the main differences between British English and American English vocabulary.
For proving and illustrating the theoretical material we have investigated the entries of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
According to the objectives of the work we have studied and analyzed different views of linguists concerning American English. Methods used: synthesis comparison analysis generalization study of literature
The American variant of the English language differs from British English in pronunciation, some minor features in grammar, but chiefly in vocabulary.
American EnglishBritish EnglishUkrainian equivalent Travelling/Commuting airplane baggage claim bus cab one-way (ticket) railroad round trip (ticket) sidewalk underpass aeroplane baggage reclaim coach taxi single railway return (ticket) underground, tube subway літак вимоги на багаж автобус таксі білет в один кінець залізниця білет у два кінці метро підземний перехід
Differences in Spelling American EnglishBritish English -orhonor, favorite-ourhonour, favourite -ertheater, center,-retheatre, centre, -z-analyze, organization -s-analyse, organisation -l-traveler, dialed-ll-traveller, dialled --check, dialog-uecheque, dialogue -sedefense, practise-cedefence, practice
The few differences that exist between British and American English tend rather to enrich communication than slow it down. The theory that the American language is now essentially different from English does not hold up. It is often very difficult to decide whether a book was written by an American or an Englishman.
On the whole, it now seems probable that the language habits of the two countries will grow more, rather than less, alike, although some differences will undoubtedly remain and others may develop.