Key Findings of the OECD Policy Review of Migrant Education and Implications for the Irish Intercultural Strategy Miho Taguma Project Manager of Policy Review of Migrant Education 16 September
Stock of foreign-born, as percentage in population Brief Background 2
Project’s overarching question What policies will promote successful education outcomes of first and second generation immigrant students? Focus: –Education outcomes (Student Performance, Participation, Access) vs labour market outcomes –Education policies vs immigration, housing, social and labour market policies Scope: Pre-school, primary and secondary education Review countries (6 countries): Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden Working methods: Mix of quantitative and qualitative –Desk-based research: i) statistical analysis for 6 countries +: national statistics, PISA, PARLS and ii) literature reviews, and country background reports to establish facts and explore factors that are linked to education outcomes, and consider policy implications –Fact-finding and policy review visits to consolidate the facts and suggest effective policy options for the countries concerned 3
PISA shows: At age 15, marked performance differences in reading are observed Score Native students- Firstgeneration immigrant studentsOECD average performance in reading 38 pts Roughly equivalent to one year of schooling (science - proxy) 4 Secondgeneration immigrant students 1 How do immigrant students perform?
Student-level factors Accounting for students' socio-economic background Accounting for students' socio-economic background and language spoken at home Performance difference in reading Score point difference “SES” and “speaking a different language at home” largely explain the performance gap between the two groups in many countries. But they are not the only reasons. 2 What can explain the gap/ non-gap? 38 pts Roughly equivalent to one year of schooling (science - proxy) Other factors: availability of educational resources at home, reading at home at a young age, and participating in ECEC, etc. 5
Develop materials for diagnostic testing Ensure cooperation between specialist and mainstream teachers Value and validate mother language proficiency Effective language support Recruit more teachers with a migrant background Train teachers for diversity: focus on formative assessment, differentiated instruction, second language support Teachers for diverse students Strengthen leadership through guidelines and training Cooperation between schools of the same and across different education levels School leadership for diverse schools Support immigrant parents and communities to become involved Provide additional learning opportunities where students can get help with homework Parental and community engagement School level policies 3 OECD suggested policies vs Ireland Framework for Intercultural Education Strategy Main Challenges Examples of suggested policy options 6 Ireland’s IES (2&6) (3,4&5) (1, 3,4,7&8) (3,4,7&8)
Establish a legal and financial framework Identify what works and promote knowledge sharing Managing variations in educational support Develop funding strategy with clear criteria Evaluate use and cost effectiveness Funding effectively Centrally monitor quality and equity Improve data quality and coverage Building capacity for monitoring and evaluation Inform and support parental school choice Manage concentration and school composition with partners Managing school composition and concentration in some schools System level policies 7 Main Challenges Examples of suggested policy options Ireland’s IES (9&10)